Russell / Carter | Ultimate IQ Tests | Buch | 978-0-7494-7430-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 558 g

Reihe: Ultimate Series

Russell / Carter

Ultimate IQ Tests

1000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 558 g

Reihe: Ultimate Series

ISBN: 978-0-7494-7430-0
Verlag: Kogan Page

IQ tests are routinely encountered in recruitment for various industries, including for jobs in the government, armed forces, and education as well as industry and commerce. Competition is fierce and employers are determined to cut the weak from the strong so it is essential for candidates to be prepared. Ultimate IQ Tests is the biggest book of IQ practice tests available. Written and compiled by experts in IQ testing and brain puzzles, it contains 1000 practice questions organized into 25 tests, with a simple guide to assessing individual performance.

With a brand new test in this edition, designed to be more challenging than the others so you can track progress, this is the best one-stop resource to mind puzzles. Working through the questions will help you to improve your vocabulary and develop powers of calculation and logical reasoning. From the best-selling Ultimate series, Ultimate IQ Tests is an invaluable resource if you have to take an IQ test, but it's also great fun if you like to stretch your mind for your own entertainment - and boost your brain power.

About the Ultimate series.
The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you from your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter - 01: Test 1 - Questions; Chapter - 02: Test 2 - Questions; Chapter - 03: Test 3 - Questions; Chapter - 04: Test 4 - Questions; Chapter - 05: Test 5 - Questions; Chapter - 06: Test 6 - Questions; Chapter - 07: Test 7 - Questions; Chapter - 08: Test 8 - Questions; Chapter - 09: Test 9 - Questions; Chapter - 10: Test 10 - Questions; Chapter - 11: Test 11 - Questions; Chapter - 12: Test 12 - Questions; Chapter - 13: Test 13 - Questions; Chapter - 14: Test 14 - Questions; Chapter - 15: Test 15 - Questions; Chapter - 16: Test 16 - Questions; Chapter - 17: Test 17 - Questions; Chapter - 18: Test 18 - Questions; Chapter - 19: Test 19 - Questions; Chapter - 20: Test 20 - Questions; Chapter - 21: Test 21 - Questions; Chapter - 22: Test 22 - Questions; Chapter - 23: Test 23 - Questions; Chapter - 24: Test 24 - Questions; Chapter - 25: Test 25 - Questions

Russell, Ken
The late Ken Russell was a UK IQ test expert who produced over sixty books covering all aspects of testing, crosswords, puzzles and reasoning, including Test Your IQ, in partnership with Philip Carter (all published by Kogan Page).

Carter, Philip
Philip Carter is a UK IQ test expert who is continually devising new IQ tests and puzzles. He has produced many books covering all aspects of testing, puzzles and reasoning. These include Advanced IQ Tests, IQ and Personality Tests, IQ and Psychometric Test Workbook, IQ and Psychometric Tests, Test and Assess your Brain Quotient and The Brain Fitness Workout. With the late Ken Russell he has written Test your IQ, Test and Assess your IQ and Ultimate IQ, all published by Kogan Page.

Ken Russell and Philip Carter are IQ test experts who are continually devising new IQ tests and puzzles. They have produced over 60 books covering all aspects of testing, crosswords, puzzles and reasoning. These include the best-selling Test your IQ published by Kogan Page.

Philip Carter is also the author of IQ & Psychometric Tests, The IQ & Psychometric Test Workbook, Test and Assess Your IQ, Advanced IQ Tests, IQ and Aptitude Tests, IQ and Personality Tests, Succeed at IQ Tests, all published by Kogan Page.

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