Santino F. Regilme Jr | The United States and China in the Era of Global Transformations | Buch | 978-1-5292-2844-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Hardback (Adhesive), Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 540 g

Santino F. Regilme Jr

The United States and China in the Era of Global Transformations

Geographies of Rivalry

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Hardback (Adhesive), Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 540 g

ISBN: 978-1-5292-2844-1
Verlag: Bristol Univ PR

Over the last two decades, China has emerged as one of the most powerful state actors in the post-Cold War international system.

This book provides a multifaceted and spatially oriented analysis of how China’s re-emergence as a global power impacts the dominance of the United States as well as domestic state and non-state actors in various world-regions, including the Asia-Pacific, Africa, South America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Europe and the Arctic. Chapters reflect on how and under which conditions competition (and cooperation) between the United States and China vary across these regions and what such variations mean for the prospects of war and peace, universal human dignity and global cooperation.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Introduction, Theory, and the Transnational Sites of Contestations

1. Spatial Imaginaries and Geopolitics in US–China Rivalry - Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr

2. The US, China, and the Implications of Uneven and Combined Development - James Parisot and Jake Lin

Part 2: Geographies of Rivalry: Spatializing US–China Relations

3. Southeast Asia and the Militarization of South China Sea - Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr

4. South Asian Contestations and India’s Strategic Role: An Advaita Account - Deepshikha Shahi

5. Northeast Asia and China’s Pursuit of Greatness - Jing Sun

6. Africa and US–China Rivalry: Between Webs and Bases - Lina Benabdallah

7. Latin America and the Caribbean: How the Belt and Road Initiative Diminished US Influence - Juan E. Serrano-Moreno

8. The Middle East and Changing Superpower Relations - Chien-Kai Chen and Ceren Ergenc

9. Arctic Interests: How China is Challenging the US - Cameron Carlson and Linda Kiltz

10. Europe’s Role in US–China Strategic Competition - Richard Maher and Till Schöfer

Part 3: Conclusions

11. Conclusions: Reframing the Puzzle of US-China Rivalry - Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr

Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr is tenured Associate Professor of International Relations at the History and International Studies Section, Institute for History, Leiden University. Born in the Philippines and educated in Germany and the United States, he is a Dutch scholar focusing on international human rights norms, North-South relations, global security issues, and contemporary United States foreign policy.

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