Steineck / Clausius | Origins and Futures: Time Inflected and Reflected | Buch | 978-90-04-25168-7 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 14, 294 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 586 g

Reihe: The Study of Time

Steineck / Clausius

Origins and Futures: Time Inflected and Reflected

Buch, Englisch, Band 14, 294 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 586 g

Reihe: The Study of Time

ISBN: 978-90-04-25168-7
Verlag: Brill

Origins and Futures: Time Inflected and Reflected provokes an interdisciplinary dialogue about culture, politics, and science’s strategies to divert the relentless trajectory of time. Literature, socio-political policy, physics, among other subjects, demonstrate the human refusal to enlist in temporal determinism. Articles ranging from how detective fiction and international terrorism manipulate the narration of events, to the unlocking of political trauma through forgiveness, to the genetic archaeology of the Human Genome project and the lacunar amnesia of nuclear energy corporations, all argue that wherever human minds meet they wrestle to undo the irrevocable, the irreversible, the fixed. Although such efforts look to the future, they rarely look straight ahead. Whatever their enterprise, writers, philosophers, and scientists believe that origins are alacritous keys to future hopes and aspirations.

Contributors include: Marcus Bullock, Michael Crawford, Patricia Engle, Carol Fischer, J. T. Fraser, Sabine Gross, Paul Harris, Rosemary Huisman, Karmen MacKendrick, Steven Ostovich, Walter Schweidler, Friedel Weinert, and Masae Yuasa.
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Weitere Infos & Material


Section I: "Origins Explained"
J. T. Fraser: Founder's lecture
Paul Harris: President's Address
Walter Schweidler: On the Social Origin of Time in Language
Rosemary Huisman: The Origins of Language and Narrative Temporalities

Section II: "From Future to Origin: Temporal Inversions and Asymmetries"
Sabine Gross: Endings as Origins
Carol Fischer: The Time Plays of J. B. Priestley
Michael Crawford: Big Science: Marching Forward to the Past
Friedel Weinert: The Past-Future Asymmetry

Section III: "Futures opened, Futures closed"
Steven Ostovich: The Human Temporal Condition Between Memory and Hope
Patricia Engle: Bachelard's "Discontinuous Bergsonism" in Zora Neale Hurston's "Sweat"
Marcus Bullock: Tales of Time and Terror
Masae Yuasa: Futures of August 6th 1945: a case of 'peaceful utilization' of nuclear energy in Japan
Karmen MacKendrick: Forgiveness as the Opening of the Future

List of Contributors

Raji C. Steineck, Dr. phil. (1999) in philosophy, Bonn University, is Professor of Japanology at the University of Zurich. His main interest is in the philosophy of culture and symbolic forms. He has published extensively on Japanese philosophy and intellectual history, and edited, with Jo Alyson Parker and Paul A. Harris, Time: Limits and Constraints (Brill, 2010).

Claudia Clausius, M.Litt Oxon, Ph D. Toronto, is Associate Professor of English and Chair of Modern Languages at King’s University College/Western University Canada. Her main research area is the intersection between modern art and drama. Among her publications, she has written on Samuel Beckett and Francis Bacon, Paul Klee and modernism, Harold Pinter, and Wole Soyinka.

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