Stewart / Tittel / Chapple | CISSP | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 800 Seiten, E-Book

Stewart / Tittel / Chapple CISSP

Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide

E-Book, Englisch, 800 Seiten, E-Book

ISBN: 978-0-471-77981-0
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

CISSP Certified Information Systems Security ProfessionalStudy Guide
Here's the book you need to prepare for the challenging CISSPexam from (ISC) 2. This third edition was developed to meetthe exacting requirements of today's security certificationcandidates, and has been thoroughly updated to cover recenttechnological advances in the field of IT security. In addition tothe consistent and accessible instructional approach that readershave come to expect from Sybex, this book provides:
* Clear and concise information on critical security technologiesand topics
* Practical examples and insights drawn from real-worldexperience
* Expanded coverage of key topics such as biometrics, auditingand accountability, and software security testing
* Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a testingengine and electronic flashcards for your PC, Pocket PC, and Palmhandheld
You'll find authoritative coverage of key exam topicsincluding:
* Access Control Systems & Methodology
* Applications & Systems Development
* Business Continuity Planning
* Cryptography
* Law, Investigation, & Ethics
* Operations Security & Physical Security
* Security Architecture, Models, and Management Practices
* Telecommunications, Network, & Internet Security
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Weitere Infos & Material

Assessment Test.
Chapter 1. Accountability and Access Control.
Chapter 2. Attacks and Monitoring.
Chapter 3. ISO Model, Network Security, and Protocols.
Chapter 4. Communications Security and Countermeasures.
Chapter 5. Security Management Concepts and Principles.
Chapter 6. Asset Value, Policies, and Roles.
Chapter 7. Data and Application Security Issues.
Chapter 8. Malicious Code and Application Attacks.
Chapter 9. Cryptography and Private Key Algorithms.
Chapter 10. PKI and Cryptographic Applications.
Chapter 11. Priciples of Computer Design.
Chapter 12. Principles of Security Models.
Chapter 13. Administrative Management.
Chapter 14. Auditing and Monitoring.
Chapter 15. Business Continuity Planning.
Chapter 16. Disaster Recovery Planning.
Chapter 17. Law and Investigations.
Chapter 18. Incidents and Ethics.
Chapter 19. Physical Security Requirements.

James Michael Stewart, CISSP, is a security expert who has authorednumerous publications, books, and courseware.
Ed Tittel, CISSP, is a freelance writer and a regularcontributor to numerous publications, including C|Net, InfoWorld,and Windows IT Pro. Ed has authored over 130 books.
Mike Chapple, CISSP, is an IT security professional with theUniversity of Notre Dame.

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