Swayne | Animal Influenza | Buch | 978-1-118-90746-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 656 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 257 mm, Gewicht: 1361 g


Animal Influenza

Buch, Englisch, 656 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 257 mm, Gewicht: 1361 g

ISBN: 978-1-118-90746-7
Verlag: Wiley

Animal Influenza, Second Edition is a comprehensive text on animal influenza. Organized by species, coverage includes avian, swine, equine and mammals, with each section including data on influenza viruses, the infection and disease they cause, and strategies used in control.
* Covers the full range of topics within avian, swine, equine and mammalian influenzas in one comprehensive and authoritative text
* Provides a summarization of peer-reviewed and empirical data on influenza viruses, the infection, and diseases they cause
* Discusses strategies used in control of the disease
* Leading experts are drawn together to provide an international and multi-disciplinary perspective
* Fuses latest developments in basic scientific research with practical guidance on management of the disease
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of contributors, ix

Foreword, xiii

Preface, xv

Section I: Common aspects of animal influenza

1 Influenza A virus, 3
David L. Suarez

2 Diagnostics and surveillance methods, 31
Erica Spackman, Giovanni Cattoli and David L. Suarez

3 The economics of animal influenza, 45
Anni McLeod and Jan Hinrichs

4 Trade and food safety aspects for animal influenza viruses, 74
David E. Swayne

5 Public health implications of animal influenza viruses, 92
Nancy J. Cox, Susan C. Trock and Timothy M. Uyeki

Section II: Influenza in animals of the class aves

6 The innate and adaptive immune response to avian influenza virus, 135
Lonneke Vervelde and Darrell R. Kapczynski

7 Wild bird infections and the ecology of avian influenza viruses, 153
David E. Stallknecht and Justin D. Brown

8 The global nature of avian influenza, 177
David E. Swayne

9 Multi-continental panzootic of H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza (1996-2015), 202
Leslie D. Sims and Ian H. Brown

10 High-pathogenicity avian influenza outbreaks since 2008, excluding multi-continental panzootic of H5 Goose/Guangdong-lineage viruses, 248
Ian Brown, Celia Abolnik, Juan Garcia-Garcia, Sam McCullough, David E. Swayne and Giovanni Cattoli

11 Low-pathogenicity avian influenza, 271
Daniel R. Perez and J. J. (Sjaak) de Wit

12 Epidemiology of avian influenza in agricultural and other man-made systems, 302
Leslie D. Sims, John Weaver and David E. Swayne

13 Pathobiology of avian influenza in domestic ducks, 337
Mary J. Pantin-Jackwood

14 Avian influenza control strategies, 363
Leslie D. Sims and David E. Swayne

15 Vaccines and vaccination for avian influenza in poultry, 378
David E. Swayne and Darrell R. Kapczynski

Section III: Influenza in animals of the class mammalia

SubSection IIIA: Swine influenza

16 The clinical features, pathobiology, and epidemiology of influenza infections in pigs, 439
Susan E. Detmer

17 Immunity, diagnosis, and intervention strategies for influenza infections in pigs, 452
Montserrat Torremorell

18 Global evolution of influenza A viruses in swine, 459
Amy L. Vincent, Nicola Lewis and Richard Webby

19 Vaccines and vaccination for swine influenza: differing situations in Europe and the USA, 480
Kristien Van Reeth, Amy L. Vincent and Kelly M. Lager

SubSection IIIB: Equine influenza

20 The clinical features, pathobiology, and epidemiology of influenza infections in horses, 505
Gabriele A. Landolt and Thomas M. Chambers

21 Vaccines and vaccination to control equine influenza, 524
Thomas M. Chambers

SubSection IIIC: Sporadic and miscellaneous mammalian influenza

22 Canine influenza, 549
Colin R. Parrish and Edward J. Dubovi

23 Sporadic influenza A virus infections of miscellaneous mammal species, 557
Edwin J. B. Veldhuis Kroeze and Thijs Kuiken

24 Mammalian experimental models and implications for understanding zoonotic potential, 594
Jessica A. Belser and Terrence M. Tumpey

Index, 619

David E. Swayne, DVM, MSc, PhD, DACVP, DACPV, is Laboratory Director at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory within the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, in Athens, Georgia. He is also the editor of Diseases of Poultry, 13th edition (Wiley, 2013) and Avian Influenza (Wiley, 2008).

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