Rousseau | The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-based Management | Buch | 978-0-19-976398-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 460 Seiten, Format (B × H): 219 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 986 g

Reihe: Oxford Library of Psychology


The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-based Management

Buch, Englisch, 460 Seiten, Format (B × H): 219 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 986 g

Reihe: Oxford Library of Psychology

ISBN: 978-0-19-976398-6
Verlag: Oxford University Press

From medicine to education, evidence-based approaches aim to evaluate and apply scientific evidence to a problem in order to arrive at the best possible solution. Thus, using scientific knowledge to inform the judgment of managers and the process of decision-making in organizations, Evidence-based Management (EBMgt) is the science-informed practice of management.

Written by leading experts in the study and practice of EBMgt, The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-based Management provides an overview of key EBMgt ideas and puts them in context of promoting evidence-based practice. Furthermore, it addresses the roles and contributions of practitioners, educators, and scholars -- the primary constituents of EBMgt -- while providing perspectives and resources for each. Divided into three sections (research, practice, and education), this handbook examines the realities of everyday management practice and the role EBMgt can play in improving managerial decision making and employee well being and instructs educators in their roles as designers of curricula and resources.

As the first major volume to capture the spirit of this emerging movement, The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-based Management shows how practitioners can use high-quality knowledge gleaned from scientific research in order to make better use of available data and ultimately make more mindful decisions.
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Researchers, graduate/business students, and educators in organizational psychology, organizational behavior, and management.


Weitere Infos & Material

Part One: Introduction
1. Envisioning Evidence-based Management
Denise M. Rousseau
2. Learning from Other Evidence-based Practices: The Case of Medicine
E.G.R. Barends, Steven ten Have, and Franck Huisman
3. A Design Science Approach to Evidence-based Management
J.E. Van Aken and A.G.L. Romme
Part Two: Research
4. Organizational Behavior's Contributions to Evidence-based Management
Denise M. Rousseau
5. Evidence-based Management in "Macro" Organizational Theory and Strategy
Ravi Madhavan and Joseph T. Mahoney
6. Evidence-based Entrepreneurship (EBE): A Systematic Approach to Cumulative Science
Michael Frese, Andreas Bausch, Peter Schmidt, Andreas Rauch, and Rüdiger Kabst
7. Systematic Review and Evidence Synthesis as a Practice and Scholarship Tool
Rob Briner and David Denyer
8. Research Findings Practitioners Resist: Lessons for Management Academics from Evidence-based Medicine
Tamara Giluk and Sara L. Rynes
9. Enabling Evidence-based Management: Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Practitioners
Opal Leung and Jean Bartunek
Part Three: Practice
10. Adventures in the Evidence-based Management Trade
Anthony Kovner
11. At the Intersection of the Academy and Practice at Asbury Heights
John Zanardelli
12. Evidence-based Decision Management
Frank J. Yates and Georges Potwoworski
13. Decision Logic in Evidence-based Management: Can Standard Business Logical Models Make Managers Better Human Resource Decision Makers?
John W. Boudreau
14. EBMgt and Organizational Facts
Lex Donaldson
15. Buried treasure: Finding Evidence Now
Roye Werner
16. Culture and Evidence-based Management
Georges Potwoworski and Lee Green
17. Designing EBMgt Implementation Processes and Practices for the Senior Management, Middle Management and Supervisor Levels
Jayne Speicher-Bocija and Richard Adams
Part Four: Education
18. Teaching and Learning Using Evidence-based Principles
Jodi Goodman and James O'Brien
19. Teaching and Learning Evidence-based Management 1.0
Blake Jelley, Wendy R. Carroll, and Denise M. Rousseau
20. Toward Doctoral Education that Encourages Evidence-based Management through Problem-Focused Research
Paul Salipante and Ann K. Smith
21. Creating Evidence-based Management Textbooks
Jone L. Pearce
Part Five: Criticism
22. Beyond 'New Scientific Management'? Why the Ideological Critique of Evidence-based Management Should be Taken Seriously
Severin Hornung
23. The Politics of Evidence-based Decision Making
Gerard P. Hodgkinson

Rousseau, Denise M.
Denise M. Rousseau, Ph.D., is the H.J. Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior Management Collaborative at Carnegie Mellon University.

Denise M. Rousseau, Ph.D., is the H.J. Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior Management Collaborative at Carnegie Mellon University.

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