Thrupp | The Search for Better Educational Standards | E-Book |

Thrupp The Search for Better Educational Standards

A Cautionary Tale

E-Book, Englisch, 229 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Evaluating Education: Normative Systems and Institutional Practices

ISBN: 978-3-319-61959-0
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This book deals with the development of New Zealand’s standards system for primary school achievement, ‘Kiwi Standards’, which took effect from 2010 onwards and is becoming increasingly embedded over time. The approach, where teachers make ‘Overall Teacher Judgements’ based on a range of assessment tools and their own observations rather than using any particular national test, has created predictable problems with moderation within and across schools. It has been claimed that this ‘bold’ Kiwi Standards approach avoids the narrowed curriculum and mediocre outcomes of high-stakes assessment in other countries. Yet this book suggests it just produces another variant of the same problems and demonstrates that even a relatively weak high-stakes assessment approach still produces performative effects. The book provides a blow by blow account of the development of a policy including the continuous repositioning of New Zealand’s Government as it has sought to justify the policy in the face of opposition from educators. Indeed the Kiwi Standards tale provides a world-class example of teachers fighting back against policy, with the help of academics. There is an indigenous Maori aspect to the story as well. Finally, this book also provides comparative international perspectives including responses from well-known US, English and Australian academics.
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Weitere Infos & Material

 High Stakes Assessment: Global Pressures and Local Responses.- 
 The Kiwi Standards, Whanaketanga and the Available Research.- 
 The Contested Introduction of the Kiwi Standards.- 
 Neither National nor Standard.- 
 Public Achievement Information and the Progress and Consistency Tool.- 
 The Impact of the Kiwi Standards.- 
 The Politics of Research.- 
 The Kiwi Standards a Decade On: What Were They All About?.- 
 International Responses.

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