Weinstein | Handbook of Niche Marketing | Buch | 978-0-7890-2329-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 278 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 590 g


Handbook of Niche Marketing

Principles and Practice

Buch, Englisch, 278 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 590 g

ISBN: 978-0-7890-2329-2
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Inc

Get closer to ?tailor made? marketing!

Ever-changing customer needs and intense competition make it crucial for companies to find new, creative ways to attract and retain customers. The Handbook of Niche Marketing: Principles and Practice fills the information gap long seen in niche marketing research by presenting the essential and influential articles from recent years in one book. This unique educational resource reveals the theories, the strategies, and real-life case studies of niche marketing success and why it is on its way to becoming the next global marketing wave.

The Handbook of Niche Marketing features respected authorities’ insightful research and valuable discussions on a variety of marketing issues, such as niche marketing theory, niche vs. mass marketing, choosing niche strategy, brand loyalty, overlap, and product line cannibalization?with practical guidelines for using niche marketing strategy in various markets. This well-referenced guide includes extensive tables, graphs, illustrations, and real-life case studies to clearly illustrate ideas and concepts.

The Handbook of Niche Marketing explores niche marketing’s:

- concepts and theories
- principles
- empirical research
- customer satisfaction issues
- strategies
- applications
- different types of niche markets

The Handbook of Niche Marketing is a comprehensive text invaluable for marketing students, instructors, and anyone wanting to maximize their marketing abilities in niche markets.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- About the Editor
- Contributors
- Foreword (Suresh Sethi)
- Introduction
- About the Project: The Need for a Book on Niche Marketing
- About the Readings
- Chapter 1. Niche Marketing Revisited: Concept, Applications, and Some European Cases (Tevfik Dalgic and Martin Leeuw)
- Introduction
- Niche Marketing versus Segmentation
- Evolution of Niche Marketing
- Niche Marketing and Mass Marketing: A Comparison
- Choosing a Niche Strategy
- Making a Niche Marketing Strategy Work
- Practical Guidelines
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Suggested Further Reading
- Chapter 2. Principles of Global Niche Marketing Strategies: An Early Conceptual Framework (Isil Hezar, Tevfik Dalgic, Steven Phelan, and Gary Knight)
- Introduction
- Increasing Segmentation of Markets
- Niche As Survival Strategy
- Exploiting: Carving Niches by Existing Companies
- Niche Marketing Strategies in International Markets
- Internationalization Process in Niche Marketing
- Characteristic Niche Marketer Groups
- Chapter 3. An Approach for Identifying Cannibalization Within Product Line Extensions and Multibrand Strategies (Charlotte H. Mason and George R. Milne)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- An Ecological Approach to Cannibalization
- Empirical Illustration
- Line Pruning
- Brand Image
- Conclusion
- Chapter 4. An Ecological Niche Theory Approach to the Management of Brand Competition (George R. Milne and Charlotte H. Mason)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Measuring Competition
- Measuring Niche Overlap
- Empirical Demonstration
- Conclusions and Extensions
- Chapter 5. A Visual Approach for Identifying Consumer Satisfaction Niches (Hooman Estelami and Peter De Maeyer)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Importance of Consumer Satisfaction Distributions
- A Demonstration of the Problem at Hand
- The Proposed Method: Kernel Estimation
- Pros and Cons of the Method
- Conclusion
- Appendix: Distribution Estimation and Comparison Approaches
- Chapter 6. High Tech, High Performance: The Synergy of Niche Strategy and Planning Focus in Technological Entrepreneurial Firms (Karen Bantel)
- Introduction
- Scope of Entry: Niche Strategy
- Differentiation: Quality/Service
- Strategic Implementation: The Planning Process
- Strategy-Planning Process
- Contextual Influences on Performance
- Validation of ?Niche? Operationalization
- Conclusions
- Appendix
- Chapter 7. Crafting a Niche in a Crowded Market: The Case of Palliser Estate Wines of Martinborough (New Zealand) (Michael Beverland and Lawrence S. Lockshin)
- Introduction
- The New Zealand Wine Industry and the Global Wine Trade
- Palliser Estate Wines of Martinborough
- Discussion and Conclusion
- Chapter 8. Niche Marketing for Hotel Managers (Ron Morritt)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Segmentation Practices in the Hotel Industry
- Segmenting Your Local Market
- Market Trends
- Implications of U.S. Population Trends for the Hotel Industry
- Segment Selection
- Chapter 9. Out in the Market: The History of the Gay Market Segment in the United States (Blaine J. Branchik)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Pre-1941: The Underground Phase
- 1941-1970: The Community-Building Phase
- 1970-2000: The Mainstream Phase
- Summary and Conclusions
- Index
- Referenc

Art Weinstein

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