Wolfe / Brust | Natural Law Today | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 186 Seiten

Wolfe / Brust Natural Law Today

The Present State of the Perennial Philosophy

E-Book, Englisch, 186 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4985-7643-7
Verlag: Lexington Books
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Natural Law Today: The Present State of the Perennial Philosophy explains and defends various aspects of traditional natural law ethical theory, which is rooted in a broad understanding of human nature. Some of the issues touched upon include the relation of natural law to speculative reason and human ends (teleology), the relationship between natural law and natural theology, the so-called naturalistic fallacy (deriving “ought” from “is”), and the scope of natural knowledge of the precepts of the natural law, as well as possible limits on it. It also takes up certain historical and contemporary questions, such as the various stances of Protestant thinkers toward natural law, the place of natural law in contemporary U.S. legal thought, and the relationship between natural law and liberal political thought more generally. It brings together a number of the leading exponents of a more traditional or classical form of natural law thought, who claim to root their arguments within the broader philosophy of Thomas Aquinas more deeply than other major representatives of the natural law tradition today.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter One: God, Teleology, and the Natural Law
Steven A. Long, Ave Maria University

Chapter Two: Natural Inclinations in Aquinas’s Account of Natural Law
Michael Pakaluk, The Catholic University of America

Chapter Three: Natural Law and Natural Right(s): Conceptual and Terminological Clarifications
Fulvio Di Blasi, Thomas International Center

Chapter Four: “The Same as to Knowledge”
J. Budziszewki, University of Texas at Austin

Chapter Five: Aquinas’s Second Reason for the Necessity of Divine Law: Certainty of Knowledge with Respect to Particular and Contingent Moral Actions
Steven J. Brust

Chapter Six: Burying the Wrong Corpse: Second Thoughts on the Protestant Prejudice toward Natural Law Thinking
J. Daryl Charles, the Acton Institute

Chapter Seven: Natural Law and the Law Today
Hadley Arkes, Amherst College

Chapter Eight: Thomas Aquinas’s Concept of Natural Law: A Guide to Healthy Liberalism
Christopher Wolfe, Marquette University

Steven Brust
is assistant professor of political science at Eastern New Mexico University.

Christopher Wolfe
is professor of politics at the University of Dallas.

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