Woodrow | Nursing Acutely Ill Adults | Buch | 978-1-138-01888-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 372 Seiten, Format (B × H): 246 mm x 177 mm, Gewicht: 768 g


Nursing Acutely Ill Adults

Buch, Englisch, 372 Seiten, Format (B × H): 246 mm x 177 mm, Gewicht: 768 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-01888-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

This comprehensive and clinically-focused textbook is designed for student and qualified nurses concerned with caring effectively for deteriorating and acutely ill adults outside of specialist intensive care units.

Divided into six sections, the book begins with chapters on assessment and the deteriorating patient, including monitoring vital signs and interpreting blood results. This is followed by two sections focusing on breathing and cardiovascular problems respectively. Section 4 explores issues around disability and impairment, including chapters on neurology, pain management, psychological needs and thermoregulation. The penultimate section looks at maintaining the internal environment, with chapters on issues such as nutrition, fluid management and infection control. The text ends with a discussion of legal issues and accountability.

Nursing Acutely Ill Adults includes a full range of pedagogical features, including sections: identifying fundamental knowledge; highlighting implications for practice; giving further reading and resources; using case scenarios to help readers relate theory to practice; and providing ‘time out’ exercises. It is the ideal textbook for students taking modules in caring for critically ill adults and qualified nurses working with these patients.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. The Deteriorating Patient 2. Vital Signs 3. Blood Results 4. Respiratory Failure 5. Oxygen Therapy 6. Airway Management 7. Intrepleural Chest Drainage 8. Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation 9. Non-invasive Ventilation 10. Perfusion 11. Heart Failure 12. Acute Coronary Syndromes and Recovery from Acute Heart Failure 13. Shock 14. Cardiac Rhythms 15. Haemaglobinopathies 16. Vascular Access 17. Neurological Deficits 18. Psychological Needs 19. Thermoregulation 20. Acute Pain Management 21. End-of-life Care 22. Tissue Donation 23. Fluid Balance 24. Acute Kidney Injury 25. Fluid Management 26. Gut Function Failure 27. Diabetic Emergencies 28. Nutrition.29. Infection Control 30. Accountability

Philip Woodrow is the Practice Development Nurse for Critical Care in East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, UK. He teaches a number of critical care courses, and maintains clinical practice across the Trust’s three intensive care units.

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