Zhou | The Development of Service Economy | Buch | 978-981-10-1284-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 318 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 4978 g


The Development of Service Economy

A General Trend of the Changing Economy in China

Buch, Englisch, 318 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 4978 g

ISBN: 978-981-10-1284-6
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

This book focuses on service economy development, particularly on how an industrial economy evolves into a service economy. The book is organized in three sections: The first theoretically answers the general question "what is the service economy?” The second explains the mechanism of the service economy’s formation and development, revealing the evolution trends and attempts to answer the question “where does the service economy come from?" The third section includes an in-depth analysis of Chinese case studies to answer the key question "how can the service economy development be promoted?" Readers will discover what the service economy is and how it relates to and differs from the industrial economy. More importantly, it will provide policy-makers with suggestions for how to promote service-economy development.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The connotation and definition of the service economy.- The connotation and regular performance of the service economy development.- The motivation of the service economy development.- The mechanism of the service economy development.- The track characteristics of the service economy development.- The trends in the service economy development.- The trajectory deviation of the service economy development: China case.- Traditional development model and the service economy.- The market basis of the service economy development.- The institutional environment of the service economy development.- The services development in the economic non-equilibrium growth.- The new industrial revolution and economic servitization.- The information-based service Innovation.- Development transformation and reform depth.- Trade in services and service internationalization.

Zhou Zhenhua was born in Shanghai in 1954 and went to work at the Xianglan Farm located in Heilongjiang Province in 1970. He graduated from Mudanjiang Teachers College in 1982, then Fujian Normal University in 1985, getting Bachelor degree in law and master degree in economics respectively. During 1985-1987, he taught at Department of Economics of Nanjing University. He was graduated from Renmin University of China in 1990, receiving a doctorate in economics. 1991 saw that he was given the professional title of professor in Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. In 1994, he won the title of national outstanding young experts. He was elected into Hundreds of Talents Project of National Trans-century as one of the first batch in 1996, and served as deputy director and doctoral tutor of Institute of Economic Research in Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. He is the incumbent director of The Shanghai Municipal People's Government Development Research Center.
He has long been engaged in the study about industrial economic theory and industrial policy, with his monographs including Systematical Analysis of Economic Theory of Industrial Policy (1991), The Structural Effects of Modern Economic Growth (1991), On the Optimization of Industrial Structure (1992), Institutional Change and Economic Growth - the Chinese Experience and Paradigm Analysis (1999), Informatization and Industrial Integration (2003) and the like. He edited some series books such as China's Economic Analysis, Shanghai's Economic development. He published more than 600 academic articles in the Journal of Economic Research and other publications, some of which have been given national, provincial and municipal prizes for their excellence.

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