Adamou | Games and Gamification in Market Research | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 360 Seiten, Web PDF

Adamou Games and Gamification in Market Research

Increasing Consumer Engagement in Research for Business Success

E-Book, Englisch, 360 Seiten, Web PDF

ISBN: 978-0-7494-8336-4
Verlag: Kogan Page
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Games are the most engaging medium of all time: they harness storytelling and heuristics, drive emotion and push the evolution of technology in a way that no other platform has or can. It's no surprise, then, that games and gamification are revolutionizing the market research industry, offering opportunities to reinvigorate the notoriously sluggish engagement levels seen in traditional surveying methods. This not only improves data quality, but offers untapped insights unattainable through traditional methods. Games and Gamification in Market Research shows readers how to design ResearchGames and Gamified Surveys that will intrinsically engage participants and how best to use these methodologies to become, and stay, commercially competitive.

In a world where brands and organizations are increasingly interested in the feelings and contexts that drive consumer choices, Games and Gamification in Market Research gives readers the skills to use the components in games to encourage play and observe consumer behaviours via simulations for predictive modelling. Written by Betty Adamou, the UK's leading research game designer and named as one of seven women shaping the future of market research, it explains the ways in which these methodologies will evolve with technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence, and how it will shape research careers. Alongside a companion website, this book provides a fully immersive and fascinating overview of game-based research.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section - ONE: World of understanding - Overview; Chapter - 01: The impact of low participant engagement in market research; Chapter - 02: The surprising similarities between digital games and online surveys; Chapter - 03: Debunking common misconceptions in market research about games and gamification; Chapter - 04: Games and gamification: exploring definitions and why games are so engaging; Chapter - 05: The differences and similarities between games and gamification; Chapter - 06: An ontology of game-based research methods - defining research-games, gamified research and surveytainment; Chapter - 07: The scientific foundation for using game-based research methods - the six vital states and their benefit to market research; Chapter - 08: Game culture - a showcase of intrinsic engagement to help market researchers; Chapter - 09: How games and gamification are used for engagement and data collection outside of research and entertainment; Chapter - 10: The Triple E Effect - games as engaging, emotive and experiential simulations for research and insight; Chapter - 11: Case studies and results from game-based research; Chapter - 12: Five things to consider before using games and gamification for market research; Section - TWO: World of design - Overview; Chapter - 13: Fifteen ethics guidelines for designing and making game-based surveys; Chapter - 14: A vocabulary of play for game-based research - Game terminologies and inspiration; Chapter - 15: Game-based research design - Ten tips for building the right foundations; Chapter - 16: Introducing Smart Intuition and Meaningful Creativity (SIMC); Chapter - 17: Overcome these four concerns about game-based survey design; Chapter - 18: Design your game-based research - Play '20 for 20'; Section - THREE: World of making - Overview; Chapter - 19: Stakeholder onboarding and preparing to build your game-based survey design; Chapter - 20: Tailor-made versus ready-made game-based surveys - Differences, benefits and drawbacks; Chapter - 21: Build mode - Create, playtest, maintain and launch your game-based survey; Chapter - 22: Analysing the quality of game-based research designs; Section - FOUR: A new market research world - Overview; Chapter - 23: Building a career in game-based research; Chapter - 24: The future of game-based research; Chapter - 25: Final words

Adamou, Betty
Betty Adamou is a designer & researcher, and founder of Research Through Gaming (RTG). Her design, academic and commercial work has secured multiple awards for innovation in research: she has been named "one of seven women shaping the future of Market Research" and won the award for Best Chair at MRS Annual Conference 2018.
Betty's services have been called upon by Fortune 500 brands such as VF Corporation, Campbell's Soup, and Accenture. She's also worked collaboratively with other quality market research companies, providing ResearchGame designs on behalf of brands like Coca-Cola and Disney.

Betty Adamou is the Founder and Chief ResearchGame Designer at Research Through Gaming. In addition to developing ResearchGames on behalf of Fortune 500 companies and academic institutions alike, Adamou also guest lectures, writes about and gives keynote presentations and talks on Game-Based Research Methods. Adamou has won multiple awards for her work in entrepreneurship and innovation in market research.

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