Beck / Romano | Canadian Income Funds | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 250 Seiten, E-Book

Beck / Romano Canadian Income Funds

Your Complete Guide to Income Trusts, Royalty Trusts and Real Estate Investment Trusts

E-Book, Englisch, 250 Seiten, E-Book

ISBN: 978-0-470-15823-4
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Income trusts are booming. They have been one of thebest-performing classes of investments in one of the worst marketsin decades. With over 150 trusts currently trading on the TorontoStock Exchange at a combined value of over $90 billion, thisrelatively new vehicle, the income fund, is one of the hottesttickets on the Canadian investment landscape today.
Written by two of the industry's top experts and commentators,this is the first book of its kind: a complete guide to the incometrust industry in Canada.
Includes complete coverage on: what income funds are and how touse them to your advantage; myths and facts about income funds;different types of income trusts; what to look for in an incometrust, and how to assess the risks involved; how income trusts, andthe investors in them, are taxed; funds of income funds; and muchmore.
* Explains what business owners need to know if they areconsidering converting their businesses into an income trust.
* Features listings and profiles of over 160 income fundscurrently available in Canada, including a description of eachfund, performance history, and contact information.
* Designed for anyone interested in knowing how Canadian incomefunds work, including: investors, business owners, directors,trustees, stockbrokers, financial advisors, lawyers, accountants,investment bankers, and commercial bankers.
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Peter Beck is a well-known financial expert and President ofSwiftTrade Inc., Canada's leading proprietary trading firm.
A European-trained chef, Mr. Beck immigrated to Canada in 1979and set up a number of successful businesses, including a coffeeshop, a water bottling company, a pet food delivery service, andITN Corporation, the first legally operating long distance companyin Canada. In 1998, he founded SwiftTrade, which was #7 onProfit Magazine's "10 Hottest Startups in Canada" for2001, and was named #2 on the "Top 100 Fastest Growing Businessesin Canada" for 2004, also by Profit, with an astoundingfive-year growth rate of almost 9000%.
Mr. Beck has been featured in media across the country,including The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, CTVNews, ROB TV, and Canadian Business. He regularly appears ontelevision to offer commentary on the markets, writes articles forfinancial publications across the country, and is the co-author ofHedge Funds for Canadians: New Investment Strategies for Winningin Any Market (John Wiley & Sons).
Simon Romano is a partner at Stikeman Elliott LLP, a440-lawyer firm with an international reputation in all areas ofbusiness law, most notably securities, tax, banking, corporatefinance, M&A, securitizations and derivatives, commerciallitigation, competition law, commercial real estate,labour/employment and pension law, environmental law, intellectualproperty and related fields. Mr. Romano practices principally inthe area of securities, M&A and finance, as well as acting forprivate equity funds, income trusts, and alternative tradingsystems.
Mr. Romano has practiced in both Toronto and New York, and wasformerly a clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada. During 1995 and1996, he was Special Counsel to the Ontario Securities Commission,where he dealt with take-over bids as well as other projects. Hehas written a number of articles, is a frequent speaker atseminars, and was a member of the Ontario SecuritiesCommission's Securities Advisory Committee.
He is particularly active in the area of income trusts, havingadvised the Livingston International Income Fund and the SIRRoyalty Income Fund, among others. He has been recognized byLexpert/American Lawyer as one of Canada's top 500 lawyers,and by Chambers Global as one of the world's leadinglawyers.

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