Birch | Shonishin: Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 360 Seiten, PDF, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 242 mm

Birch Shonishin: Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture

A Text and Video Guide

E-Book, Englisch, 360 Seiten, PDF, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 242 mm

ISBN: 978-3-13-162612-7
Verlag: Thieme
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

The premier guide to Shonishin — Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture — now in a new edition

Now in an expanded new edition, this user-friendly manual remains the foremost instructional reference for the application of Shonishin, or Japanese pediatric acupuncture. The book addresses the unique and often changing circumstances involved in the treatment of infants and children. It focuses on the crucial factors of patient comfort and dosage regulation throughout treatment by gently and painlessly pressing, tapping, scratching, rubbing, and stroking the skin without penetrating it. Stephen Birch, the world's leading authority in Japanese acupuncture and Shonishin, provides valuable clinical guidance and hands-on advice that can be easily integrated into everyday practice.

The book begins by presenting the underlying principles and treatment tools used in Shonishin, and then goes on to cover root and symptomatic approaches and techniques, followed by details on how to manage a wide range of specific problems and diseases. More than 75 case histories from around the world present various treatment ideas, methods, and results for the featured condition.


  • More than 25 new clinical cases (over 75 cases total) offer useful insights and suggestions for daily practice
  • New information on using Shonishin to treat headaches and emotional problems; combining Shonishin with other treatments, such as Bach flowers and Chinese herbal medicine; and using the techniques of Shonishin and the Meridian Therapy root treatment
  • Coverage of Shonishin for the management of a broad spectrum of illnesses and diseases, including respiratory and digestive ailments, ear infections, allergies, sleep problems, and many more
  • Exercises throughout the book help readers improve their skill and check their technique
  • More than 150 precise illustrations complement and further clarify the text
  • Vi
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section I Overview and History
1 Introduction
2 History and Theory
Section II Treatment Principles and Tools of Treatment
3 General Considerations in the Treatment of Children
4 A Model for Judging the Dosage Needs of Patients
5 Assessing Changes, Recognizing and Correcting Problems of Overdose
6 Basic Shonishin Treatment Tools
Section III Root Treatment Approaches and Techniques
7 The Core Treatment Model
8 Home Treatment and Parental Participation
9 Pattern-Based Root Treatment: Meridian Therapy Applied to Adults
10 Pattern-Based Root Treatment: Meridian Therapy Applied to Children
Section IV Symptomatic Treatment Approaches and Techniques
11 Needling
12 Dermal Needles and Associated Techniques
13 Moxa: Okyu (Direct Moxa) and Chinetsukyu (Warm Moxa)
14 Kyukaku—Cupping
15 Shiraku—Bloodletting (Jing Points and Vascular Spiders)
16 Point Location—Location of Extra Points for Symptomatic Treatment
Section V Treatment of Specific Problems/Diseases
17 Introduction to the Treatment of Specific Problems/Diseases
18 Respiratory Problems
19 Skin Disease
20 Digestive Problems
21 Behavioral, Emotional, or Sleep Problems
22 Urinary Disturbances
23 Ear and Nose Problems
24 Headaches
25 Developmental Problems
26 Weak Constitution
27 Recurrent Infections
28 Improving Vitality
29 Recommendations for Treatment of Other and Less Commonly Seen Problems
30 Combining Treatment Methods
Glossary of Shonishin Terminology
Additional Information

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