Burgess / Shercliff | Account-Based Growth | Buch | 978-1-3986-0744-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 153 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 452 g

Burgess / Shercliff

Account-Based Growth

Unlocking Sustainable Value Through Extraordinary Customer Focus

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 153 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 452 g

ISBN: 978-1-3986-0744-6
Verlag: Kogan Page Ltd

Develop long-term relationships, deliver market-beating growth, and create sustainable value with this pragmatic guide to aligning marketing, sales, customer success and your executives around your most important customers.

Many B2B companies make half their profitable revenue from just three percent of their customers, yet don't recognize the significance of these accounts, nor invest appropriately in them.

Account-Based Growth introduces a comprehensive framework for improving internal alignment and external engagement with these vital few. It contains bullet-pointed takeaways at the end of each chapter plus a comprehensive checklist to help you improve your own company's approach to its most important customers.

Each element of the framework is brought to life through viewpoints from industry experts and case studies from leading organizations including Accenture, Fujitsu, Infosys, SAP, Salesforce, ServiceNow and Telstra.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section - ONE: Introducing account-based growth; Chapter - 01: The case for account-based growth; Chapter - 02: Account-based growth in practice; Section - TWO: Aligning internally for growth; Chapter - 03: Account prioritization and resource allocation; Chapter - 04: Integrated account business planning; Chapter - 05: Managing data, technology and operations; Chapter - 06: Leadership, culture and change; Section - THREE: Engaging externally for growth; Chapter - 07: Account management and sales; Chapter - 08: Account-based marketing; Chapter - 09: Customer success; Chapter - 10: Executive sponsorship and engagement; Section - FOUR: Account-based growth assessment tool; Chapter - 11: How does your company stack up

Shercliff, Tim
Tim Shercliff is co-founder and Managing Director at Inflexion Group. Previously a Strategy & Marketing Director at IBM, he has consulted and worked with companies including Accenture, CSC, Fujitsu, Micro Focus and Nationwide Building Society. He is based in Kent, UK.

Burgess, Bev
Bev Burgess, based in Kent, UK, is Founder and Managing Principal at Inflexion Group. She has held senior marketing roles at British Gas, Epson and Fujitsu and headed ITSMA's global Account-Based Marketing (ABM) practice and European business. Since she codified ABM in 2003, she has personally helped over 40 of the world's most influential firms accelerate account growth using ABM techniques through her consulting, training and thought leadership.

Bev Burgess is founder and Managing Principal at Inflexion Group, which delivers thought leadership, consulting and training to companies on account-based growth. She has held senior marketing roles at British Gas, Epson and Fujitsu and headed ITSMA's global Account-Based Marketing (ABM) practice and European business. Based near London, UK, she is also the author of A Practitioner's Guide to Account-Based Marketing and Executive Engagement Strategies, both published by Kogan Page.

Tim Shercliff is co-founder and Managing Director at Inflexion Group. Previously a Strategy & Marketing Director at IBM, he has consulted and worked with companies including Accenture, CSC, Fujitsu, Micro Focus and Nationwide Building Society. He is based in Kent, UK.

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