Burton-Jones / Spender | The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital | Buch | 978-0-19-965589-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 718 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1217 g

Reihe: Oxford Handbooks

Burton-Jones / Spender

The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital

Buch, Englisch, 718 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1217 g

Reihe: Oxford Handbooks

ISBN: 978-0-19-965589-2
Verlag: OUP UK

Macroeconomic research on human capital - the stock of human capabilities and knowledge - has been extensively published but to date the literature has lacked a comprehensive analysis of human capital within the organization. The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital has been designed to fill that gap, providing an authoritative, inter-disciplinary, and up to date survey of relevant concepts, research areas, and applications. Specially commissioned contributions
from over 40 authors reveal the importance of human capital for contemporary organizations, exploring its conceptual underpinnings, relevance to theories of the firm, implications for organizational effectiveness, interdependencies with other resources, and role in the future economy. Unlike neoclassical
macroeconomic concepts of human capital, human capital in organizations is shown to be dynamic and heterogeneous, requiring new theories and management frameworks. The systemic role of human capital is explored, revealing it as the lynchpin of social, structural and other forms of intangible and tangible capital. Connections between human capital and organizational performance are investigated from HR management, procurement, alignment, value appropriation, and accounting perspectives. Links
between micro and macro perspectives are provided through analyses of inter firm human capital mobility, national and regional human capital formation regimes and industry employment relations practices.

This Handbook is designed for scholars and graduate students of organization and management theory, strategy, entrepreneurship, knowledge and intellectual capital, accounting, IT, HR, IR, economic sociology and cultural studies. For policy makers and practitioners it should provide an up to date guide to the nature and role of human capital in contemporary organizations and the roles that government, industry and other extra firm institutions can play in facilitating its
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Academics, researchers, and graduate students in business and Management, government advisors and policy makers, and management consultants

Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: The Nature of Human Capital
1: Margaret M. Blair: An Economic Perspective on the Notion of Human Capital
2: Janine Nahapiet: A Social Perspective: Exploring the Links between Human Capital and Social Capital
3: Kok-Yee Ng, Mei Ling Tan and Soon Ang: Culture Capital and Cosmopolitan Human Capital: the Impact of the Global Mindset and Organizational Routines on Cultural Intelligence and International Experiences
4: Rhett Brymer, Michael A. Hitt, and Mario Schijven: Cognition and Human Capital: The Dynamic Interrelationship between Knowledge and Behaviour
5: Peter Lewin: Critical Perspective: Reflections on the Nature and Scope of the Concept of Capital and its Extension to Intangibles - a Capital-Based Approach to the Firm
Part II: Human Capital and the Firm
6: Nicolai J. Foss: Human Capital and Transaction Cost Economics
7: J.-C. Spender: Human Capital and Agency Theory
8: Jeroen Kraaijenbrink: Human Capital in the Resource-based View
9: Brian J. Loasby: Human Capital, Entrepreneurship and the Theory of the Firm
10: Georg von Krogh, and Martin W. Wallin: Human Capital and the Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm
Part III: Human Capital and Organizational Effectiveness
11: Peter Boxall: Human Capital, HR Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness
12: Monika Hamori, Rocio Bonet, and Peter Cappelli: How Organizations obtain the Human Capital they need
13: David Lepak, Riki Takeuchi, and Juani Swart: Aligning Human Capital with Organizational Needs
14: Russell Coff: Maximizing Value from Human Capital
15: Robin Kramar, Vijaya Murthy and James Guthrie: Accounting for Human Capital and Organizational Effectiveness
Part IV: Human Capital Interdependencies
16: Robert M. Grant and James C. Hayton: Interdependencies between People in Organizations
17: David O'Donnell: Interdependencies between Human and Structural Capital
18: Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyoma, and Vesa Peltokorpi: The Distributed and Dynamic Dimensions of Human Capital
19: Jacqueline C. Vischer: Human Capital and the Organization-Accommodation Relationship
20: Alan Burton-Jones and Andrew Burton-Jones: Interdependencies between People and Information Systems in Organizations
Part V: Human Capital in the Future Economy
21: David J. Teece: Human Capital, Capabilities and the Firm: Literati, Numerati, and Entrepreneurs in the 21st Century Enterprise
22: Peter D. Sherer: Looking to the Future: Bringing Organizations Deeper into Human Capital Theory
23: Sean Ó Riain: Human Capital Formation Regimes: States, Markets and Human Capital in an Era of Globalisation
24: Thomas Clarke: Supporting Human Capital in Developing Countries: The Significance of the Asian Experience
25: Thomas A. Kochan and Adam Seth Litwin: The Future of Human Capital: An Employment Relations Perspective

Burton-Jones, Alan
Alan Burton-Jones heads an international management consultancy practice headquartered in Australia and is a senior visiting lecturer at New South Wales, Griffith and Bond Universities. His academic research focuses on the role of knowledge in organizations and the links between strategy, intellectual resources and organizational effectiveness. He is the author of Knowledge Capitalism: Business, Work and Learning in the New Economy (Oxford University Press, (1999) (Nikkei 2002) and his writings have also been published in a number of leading international journals. He contributed to the Australian government report on the knowledge-based economy in APEC countries (DISR 2000) ,the first national Knowledge Management Framework published by Standards Australia and the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Learning and Knowledge Management Council (pan-Pacific industry forum).

Spender, J.-C.
J.-C. Spender served in experimental submarines in the Royal Navy, then studied engineering at Oxford (Balliol), worked as a nuclear submarine reactor engineer with Rolls-Royce & Associates, a sales manager with IBM (UK), a consultant with Decision Technology International (Boston), and an investment banker with Slater-Walker Securities. His PhD thesis (Manchester Business School) won the Academy of Management's 1980 A.T. Kearney PhD Research Prize, later published as Industry Recipes (Blackwell, 1989). He served on the faculty at City University, London, York University, Toronto, UCLA, and Rutgers. He was Dean of the School of Business and Technology at SUNY/FIT before retiring in 2003. He now researches, writes, and lectures on organization theory, strategy and knowledge management in the USA, Canada, and Europe, with Visiting Professor appointments at Lund University, ESADE, Cranfield, Leeds, and Open Universities.

Alan Burton-Jones heads an international management consultancy practice headquartered in Australia and is a senior visiting lecturer at New South Wales, Griffith and Bond Universities. His academic research focuses on the role of knowledge in organizations and the links between strategy, intellectual resources and organizational effectiveness. He is the author of Knowledge Capitalism: Business, Work and Learning in the New Economy (Oxford University Press,
(1999) (Nikkei 2002) and his writings have also been published in a number of leading international journals. He contributed to the Australian government report on the knowledge-based economy in APEC countries (DISR 2000) ,the first national Knowledge Management Framework published by Standards Australia and
the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Learning and Knowledge Management Council (pan-Pacific industry forum).

J.-C. Spender served in experimental submarines in the Royal Navy, then studied engineering at Oxford (Balliol), worked as a nuclear submarine reactor engineer with Rolls-Royce & Associates, a sales manager with IBM (UK), a consultant with Decision Technology International (Boston), and an investment banker with Slater-Walker Securities. His PhD thesis (Manchester Business School) won the Academy of Management's 1980 A.T. Kearney PhD Research Prize, later published as Industry Recipes
(Blackwell, 1989). He served on the faculty at City University, London, York University, Toronto, UCLA, and Rutgers. He was Dean of the School of Business and Technology at SUNY/FIT before retiring in 2003. He now researches, writes, and lectures on organization theory, strategy and knowledge management in
the USA, Canada, and Europe, with Visiting Professor appointments at Lund University, ESADE, Cranfield, Leeds, and Open Universities.

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