Candido / Jones | African Women in the Atlantic World | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 13, 304 Seiten, EPDF

Reihe: Western Africa Series

Candido / Jones African Women in the Atlantic World

Property, Vulnerability & Mobility, 1660-1880

E-Book, Englisch, Band 13, 304 Seiten, EPDF

Reihe: Western Africa Series

ISBN: 978-1-78744-430-0
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

An innovative and valuable resource for understanding women's roles in changing societies, this book brings together the history of Africa, the Atlantic and gender before the 20th century. It explores trade, slavery and migrationin the context of the Euro-African encounter.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction - Mariana P. Candido and Adam Jones
Adaptation in the Aftermath of Slavery: Women, Trade and Property in Sierra Leone, c. 1790-1812 - Suzanne Schwarz
Women, Land and Power in the Lower Gambia River Region - Assan Sarr
Women and Food Production: Agriculture, Demography and Access to Land in Late Eighteenth-century Catumbela - Esteban A. Salas
Women's Material World in Nineteenth-Century Benguela - Mariana P. Candido
Prostitution, Polyandry or Rape? On the Ambiguity of European Sources for the West African Coast, 1660-1860 - Adam Jones
Parrying Palavers: Coastal Akan Women and the Search for Security in the Eighteenth Century - Natalie Everts
To be Female and Free: Mapping Mobility and Emancipation in Lagos, Badagry and Abeokuta 1853-1865 - Ademide Adelusi-Adeluyi
Gendered Authority, Gendered Violence: Household and Identity in the Life and Death of a Brazilian Freed Woman in Lagos - Kristin Mann
From Child Slave to Madam Esperance: One Woman's Career in the Anglo-African World c. 1675-1707 - Colleen E Kriger
Writing the History of the Trans-African Woman in the Revolutionary French Atlantic - Lorelle Semley
Spouses and Commercial Partners: Immigrant Men and Locally Born Women in Luanda 1831-1859 - Vanessa S. Oliveira
Women, Family and Daily Life in Senegal's Nineteenth-century Atlantic Towns - Hilary Jones

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