Coenen | Find Me the Money | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 167 Seiten

Coenen Find Me the Money

Take Control, Uncover the Truth, and Win the Money You Deserve in Your Divorce

E-Book, Englisch, 167 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-63680-139-1
Verlag: Money Guide LLC
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Financial Infidelity Can Be As Devastating As an Affair

More than half of Americans keep money secrets from their partners. Too many women are victims of financial infidelity, and forensic accountant Tracy Coenen wants to help. She's seen the divorce process steal joy, confidence, and security from women.

What happens to someone overwhelmed with starting over, all her hopes and dreams for her family shattered? How can she find restoration and empowerment?

Find Me the Money follows the story of Jackie as she navigates her divorce after being betrayed by her husband. Determined to get the money she deserves in her divorce, Jackie digs into their finances and faces the uncomfortable truths about how and where her husband spent (and hid) their money.

You'll discover how to:

Detect financial deceit and find hidden money.
Identify red flags of financial fraud.
Follow a simple process to untangle the financial lies.
Come out of your divorce feeling victorious.
Start your new life with courage.

Don't be cheated twice. Learn the strategies, then leverage the tools to win every penny of the money you are entitled to in your divorce.
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