Deegan / Tanner | Digital Futures | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Web PDF, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 2340 mm

Reihe: Digital Futures

Deegan / Tanner Digital Futures

Strategies for the Information Age

E-Book, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Web PDF, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 2340 mm

Reihe: Digital Futures

ISBN: 978-1-85604-864-4
Verlag: Facet Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

Libraries have been traditionally associated with managing physical resources, however with the rise of the Internet and the rapid expansion of electronic communication media, information gathering, storage and transmission have presented fresh challenges to those responsible for preserving the cultural memory of society.
This book examines the strategic issues involved in realizing a digital future for libraries in the information age. It looks at how librarians and information professionals can locate the electronic resources most relevant to the needs of their users, integrate these resources into the infrastructure of their institutions, manage the necessary technology and anticipate future trends in the digital age.
Topics covered include:

the effect of information and communications in the digital world upon libraries and information organizations
the role of the library and the librarian in the digital age
economic factors, cultural resource management, technology impact, and knowledge management in the digital library environment
preservation of material culture through digitization and preservation of digital objects
case studies demonstrating the digital information impact upon national, academic, public and transnational organizations worldwide.

Readership: An indispensable guide for all information professionals - including librarians, library and information managers and archivists - wanting to keep abreast of developments in communications technologies, manage change in the library environment, and implement new modes and methods of resource management. It will also be of interest to students on library and information studies courses.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Digital futures in current contexts 2. Why digitize? 3. Developing collections in the digital world 4. The economic factors 5. Resource discovery, description and use 6. Developing and designing systems for sharing digital resources 7. Portals and personalization: mechanisms for end-user access 8. Preservation 9. Digital librarians: new roles for the Information Age 10. Digital futures...

Tanner, Simon
Simon Tanner is Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage in the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London. He is a digital humanities scholar with a wide-ranging interest in cross-disciplinary thinking and collaborative approaches that reflect a fascination with interactions between memory institution collections (libraries, museum, archives, media and publishing) and the digital domain. He is a member of the Europeana Impact Taskforce that developed the Impact Playbook. He teaches on the Masters in Digital Asset and Media Management and the BA in Digital Culture.

Deegan, Marilyn
Marilyn Deegan is Professor of Digital Humanities and Honorary Research Fellow at King's College London.

Marilyn Deegan is Professor of Digital Humanities and Honorary Research Fellow at King's College London.
Simon Tanner is Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage in the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London.

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