Gbadamosi | Young Consumer Behaviour | Buch | 978-0-415-79008-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 454 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g


Young Consumer Behaviour

A Research Companion

Buch, Englisch, 454 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-79008-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Although one perspective depicts young consumers as vulnerable and passive in the marketplace system, our knowledge of this consumer group will be inadequate if limited to this contention. Their roles and relevance in family consumption activities are becoming increasingly profound. Available evidence shows that they cannot be ignored in the marketplace dynamics as they consume goods and services in their households and are involved in various other active roles in their household consumption including making decisions where applicable. Hence, the landscape of young consumer behaviour is changing.

Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion focusses on exploring the behaviour of young consumers as individuals and societal members. The chapters address different aspects of consumption activities of children as individuals like motivation, involvement, perception, learning, attitude, the self, and personality. Similarly, chapters on consumer behaviour in social settings contextualised to young consumers including culture, sub-culture, family, and groups are incorporated into the book. This book fills a gap in the literature by addressing the dynamics of consumption patterns of this consumer group, in relation to various marketing stimuli and different stakeholders. It combines eclectic perspectives on the topic and specifically, bridges the gap between historical perspectives and contemporary issues.

Building on the extant literature in the field of marketing and consumer behaviour, this book is a compendium of research materials and constitutes an essential reference source on young consumer behaviour issues with both academic and managerial implications.
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Postgraduate, Professional, and Undergraduate


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Table of contents

List of contributors



PART I: Introduction and Theoretical Background

Chapter 1: The changing landscape of young consumer behaviour

PART II: Young Consumers as Individuals

Chapter 2: Children’s consumer perception

Chapter 3: Learning and consumer socialisation in children

Chapter 4: Young consumers’ motivation and involvement: uses and gratifications perspective

Chapter 5: Exploring personality, identity and self-concept among young consumers

Chapter 6: Attitudes and persuasion in young consumer behaviour

PART III: Young consumers and Marketing Strategies

Chapter 7: Brand, branding, and brand culture among young consumers

Chapter 8: Pricing, income, and brand symbolism: exploring young consumers’ understanding of value

Chapter 9: The young ones, shopping and marketing channels: what actually shapes their mind?

Chapter 10: Marketing communications and the young consumer: evidence from a developing country

Chapter 11: Digital marketing and the young consumer

Chapter 12: Services and relationship marketing: perspectives on young consumers

Chapter 13: Segmenting the children’s market

Chapter 14: Amplifying the voices of young consumers in food advertising research

PART IV: Young Consumers in Social and Cultural Contexts

Chapter 15: Reference groups and opinion leadership in children’s consumption decisions

Chapter 16: Youth subcultural theory: making space for a new perspective

Chapter 17: Young consumer misbehaviour: a perspective from developing countries

Chapter 18: Faith, religion and young consumer behaviour

Chapter 19: Children's consumer behaviour in developing countries in the twenty-first century

PART V: Social Marketing and Consumerism: Perspectives on Young Consumers

Chapter 20: Social marketing and the protection of the young consumer

Chapter 21: Consumerism and consumer protection: a focus on young consumers


Ayantunji Gbadamosi (Bsc (Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA, FCIM) lectures at Royal Docks School of Business and Law of the University of East London, UK. He was formerly the Leader for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the school. He is listed in Who’s Who in the World.

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