Hamrita | Women in Precision Agriculture | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 216 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Women in Engineering and Science

Hamrita Women in Precision Agriculture

Technological breakthroughs, Challenges and Aspirations for a Prosperous and Sustainable Future

E-Book, Englisch, 216 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Women in Engineering and Science

ISBN: 978-3-030-49244-1
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

This book features influential scholarly research and technical contributions, professional trajectories, disciplinary shifts, personal insights, and a combination of these from a group of remarkable women scholars within precision agriculture. The authors provide a holistic and critical overview of the field of precision agriculture (both crop and livestock), highlighting breakthroughs and impactful research led by women investigators including relevant technologies, decision making strategies, practices, applications, economics, opportunities and challenges. They discuss the urgent need for reduced cost, increased productivity, more optimal use of resources, and reduced impact on our environment. The leading female researchers contributing to this book are creating new technological advances that are revolutionizing agriculture.Focuses on advances in precision agriculture led by leading women researchers, scholars, and professionals;Provides insight into women’s technical contributions in precision agriculture;Takes a holistic approach to precision agriculture, addressing both land and livestock applications.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction.- What is precision agriculture.- Increasing yield, decreasing inputs.- Precision agriculture and environmental responsibility.- Precision agriculture and economic implications.- Information technology breakthroughs and their impact on agriculture.- Communication platforms.- Smart sensors/Sensor networks.- Smart/autonomous machines.- Precision agriculture and impact on society.- Precision agriculture and data mining.- Precision agriculture and education.- Livestock applications.- Land applications.- Precision agriculture and entrepreneurship.- Conclusion.

Dr. Takoi K. Hamrita is a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Georgia, where she has taught for 23 years. She was the first woman faculty member to be hired into the department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering as an assistant professor. Dr. Hamrita’s main research focus is in precision agriculture. She has worked in many areas of precision agriculture including yield monitoring, smart poultry environmental control, biotelemetry, smart sensing, harvest and post-harvest technology. She holds a patent in yield monitoring, has published over 50 articles and book chapters and has given over 50 conference presentations around the world on related research. Dr. Hamrita has served in many leadership roles within professional societies. Dr. Hamrita is a fierce advocate for women in STEM and is the founder and chair of the Global Women in STEM Leadership Summit in Atlanta. Dr. Hamrita has built a decade-long partnership between UGA and the Tunisian ministry of higher education that has had profound impact both on UGA and Tunisia and has become an innovative model for education and development around the world. The program has earned her numerous prestigious awards such as the National Medal in Science and Education, and the prestigious Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Partnerships

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