Hart-Davis | Teach Yourself VISUALLY Apple Watch | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 256 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)

Hart-Davis Teach Yourself VISUALLY Apple Watch

E-Book, Englisch, 256 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)

ISBN: 978-1-119-05977-6
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Master your new smartwatch quickly and easily with this highlyvisual guide
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Apple Watch is a practical,accessible guide to mastering the powerful features andfunctionality of your new smartwatch. For Apple devotees and newusers alike, this easy-to-follow guide features visually richtutorials and step-by-step instructions that show you how to takeadvantage of all of the Apple watch's capabilities. You'lllearn how to track your health, control household devices, downloadand install apps, sync your music, sync other Apple devices, andefficiently use the current OS. The visually driven instructionstyle dovetails perfectly with the visual cue-based OS, helping youmaster the basic features and explore the more advancedfunctionality and most commonly associated accessories.
The Apple Watch is the latest addition to Apple's family ofmobile devices, featuring the latest in consumer wearable tech.This guide is your expert, visual reference for unlocking all thefeatures of your Apple Watch. Learn the features visually with 400full-color screen shots
* Master the basic Apple Watch functions and customize yoursettings
* Get optimal performance from your smartwatch with experttips
* Find the best apps and services to fit your personal needs
The Apple Watch's graphics-intensive touch interface is perfectfor visual learners, and this guide mirrors that feature with ahighly visual approach to using both the OS and the device itself.With full coverage, plenty of screen shots, and expert tips andtricks, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Apple Watch is the companionyou cannot be without.
Hart-Davis Teach Yourself VISUALLY Apple Watch jetzt bestellen!


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