Howitt / Argyle | The Mass Media & Social Problems | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 205 Seiten, Web PDF

Howitt / Argyle The Mass Media & Social Problems

E-Book, Englisch, 205 Seiten, Web PDF

ISBN: 978-1-4832-9353-0
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Techn.
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Discusses the way the mass media treats social problems, its contribution to causing and curing social problems, and its use by concerned organisations and groups wishing to act to reduce social problems. It brings together a wide range of topics including racism, sexism, poverty, violence, pornography, the educational disadvantaged, and crime and justice.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1;Front Cover;1
2;Table of Contents;2
4;Part 1: Educating Europe;8
4.1;Chapter 1. The Future of French Education;10
4.2;Chapter 2. The Mutual Recognition of Qualifications in Europe;18
4.2.1;The mutual recognition of academic diplomas†;18
4.2.2;The recognition of professional diplomas;25
4.3;Chapter 3. How Should We Assess in Education?;31
4.3.1;The return of assessment;31
4.3.2;Do the means exist?;33
4.3.3;The privileged domains of evaluation;34
4.3.4;The roles of teachers and schools;37
4.4;Chapter 4. The Dawn or Death of the UK Era?;38
4.5;Chapter 5. Europe's Universities: Organized Chaos;46
4.5.1;Change and reform;47
4.5.2;The management of academic careers;50
4.5.3;University management;52
4.5.4;Improving internal relations;55
4.5.6;Universities must learn from each other;60
4.5.7;Public and private funding;61
4.5.8;The future;63
4.5.9;The cultural dimension;67
4.5.10;Knowledge and technology;69
4.5.11;The autonomy of the university sector;71
4.5.12;The international dimension;72
4.5.13;Europe's universities must play a world role;74
4.6;Chapter 6. France: Crisis in the Schools;76
4.7;Chapter 7. The Italian Education System;89
4.8;Chapter 8. Higher Education and Industry—The Italian Situation;108
4.8.1;Conflicts and contradictions between the university and the economic system;111
4.8.2;The specifics of the Italian situation;117
4.9;Chapter 9. The German Education System: History and Problems;122
4.9.1;The Weimer period;122
4.9.2;The training of elementary teachers;124
4.9.3;Hitler and Fascism;129
4.9.4;The Federal Republic of Germany;129
4.9.5;Denominational and state schooling;131
4.9.6;The 1960s and the 1970s;135
4.9.7;Humanizing the education system;139
5;Part 2: Europe Now;158
5.1;Chapter 10. New Perspectives on French Immigration Policy;160
5.2;Chapter 11. Britain and the European Community: From Thatcher to Major;168
6;Part 3: Book Reviews;186
6.1;Chapter 12. Europe Between Its People and Its Nations;188
6.2;Chapter 13. Cruelty and Progress;193

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