Kerber / Mead | Bibia Tells Her Story! | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 24 Seiten

Kerber / Mead Bibia Tells Her Story!

E-Book, Englisch, 24 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4918-6678-8
Verlag: AuthorHouse
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Now that you know how Bibia got her colors by reading the first book Bibia, the Butterfly - it is time that you now find out what Bibia tells about her self in the second book, Bibia Tells Her Story!
A children's story book with brilliant color pictures to capture a child's attention, a conversation and interaction between the characters of the story will keep a child involved as if he/she were one of the characters, and enjoying every moment of it.
Knowledge extracted from this book will enrich a child's mind, yet leave him curious to know more. This book is an excellent selection for school libraries and classroom libraries, including Child Care centers and Public libraries. Needless to say every child will be proud to own this book as one of his/her personal possession!
Kerber / Mead Bibia Tells Her Story! jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Kerber, Kathy

Born August 7, 1961 New Delhi, India Purnima Mead now is settled in Middletown, MD. She devotes most of her time teaching in a local county school. She firmly believes that the biggest book of knowledge is the nature - outdoors - in itself. Apart from travelling and cooking she loves to embrace different cultures from all over the world, and their ethnicity. Purnima is commonly called 'Peenu' by her family and close friends.

Mead, Purnima

Born August 7, 1961 New Delhi, India Purnima Mead now is settled in Middletown, MD. She devotes most of her time teaching in a local county school. She firmly believes that the biggest book of knowledge is the nature - outdoors - in itself. Apart from travelling and cooking she loves to embrace different cultures from all over the world, and their ethnicity. Purnima is commonly called 'Peenu' by her family and close friends.

Kerber, Purnima

Born August 7, 1961 New Delhi, India Purnima Mead now is settled in Middletown, MD. She devotes most of her time teaching in a local county school. She firmly believes that the biggest book of knowledge is the nature - outdoors - in itself. Apart from travelling and cooking she loves to embrace different cultures from all over the world, and their ethnicity. Purnima is commonly called 'Peenu' by her family and close friends.

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