Nijholt / Reidsma / Hondorp Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment

Third International Conference, INTETAIN 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 22-24, 2009, Proceedings

E-Book, Englisch, Band 9, 279 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

ISBN: 978-3-642-02315-6
Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 09). The papers focus on topics such as emergent games, exertion interfaces and embodied interaction. Further topics are affective user interfaces, story telling, sensors, tele-presence in entertainment, animation, edutainment, and interactive art.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Keynote Speakers.- Entertainment Computing, Social Transformation and the Quantum Field.- Non-verbal Full Body Emotional and Social Interaction: A Case Study on Multimedia Systems for Active Music Listening.- Full Papers.- Home Exercise in a Social Context: Real-Time Experience Sharing Using Avatars.- Generating Instructions in a 3D Game Environment: Efficiency or Entertainment?.- Interactive Documentary: A Production Model for Nonfiction Multimedia Narratives.- A Design Approach to Decentralized Interactive Environments.- Accessible Gaming through Mainstreaming Kinetic Controller.- Interactive Play Objects: The Influence of Multimodal Output on Open-Ended Play.- Swinxsbee: A Shared Interactive Play Object to Stimulate Children’s Social Play Behaviour and Physical Exercise.- Affective Interface Adaptations in the Musickiosk Interactive Entertainment Application.- iTheater Puppets Tangible Interactions for Storytelling.- Automatic and Interactive Key Posture Design by Combing the PIK with Parametric Posture Splicing.- Web-Enabled 3D Game Playing for Looped Knight’s Tour.- Robosonic: Randomness-Based Manipulation of Sounds Assisted by Robots.- Turning Shortcomings into Challenges: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Games.- Immersion in Movement-Based Interaction.- Short Papers.- Mood Swings: An Affective Interactive Art System.- Navigating a Maze with Balance Board and Wiimote.- Experiences with Interactive Multi-touch Tables.- The Hyper-trapeze: A Physically Active Audio-Visual Interface for Performance and Play.- Dead on Arrival: Adapting Games to Finish at a Given Time or Location.- Design and Implementation of a Mobile Exergaming Platform.- Affective Pacman: A Frustrating Game for Brain-Computer Interface Experiments.- Stay Tuned! An Automatic RSS Feeds Trans-coder.-An Experiment in Improvised Interactive Drama.- Big Fat Wand: A Pointing Device for Open Space Edutainment.- Enhancing Mediated Interpersonal Communication through Affective Haptics.- Opinion Elicitation in Second Life.- Hidden Markov Models Implementation for Tangible Interfaces.

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