Norment, Jr. / Norment | African American Studies | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 110, 684 Seiten

Reihe: Black Studies and Critical Thinking

Norment, Jr. / Norment African American Studies

The Discipline and Its Dimensions

E-Book, Englisch, Band 110, 684 Seiten

Reihe: Black Studies and Critical Thinking

ISBN: 978-1-4331-5938-1
Verlag: Peter Lang
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

African American Studies: The Discipline and Its Dimensions is a comprehensive resource book that recounts the development of the discipline of African American Studies and provides a basic reference source for sixteen areas of knowledge of the discipline: anthropology, art, dance, economics, education, film, history, literature, music, philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, political science, science and technology, sports and religion. African American Studies defines bodies of knowledge, methodologies, philosophies, disciplinary concepts, contents, scope, topics scholars have concerned themselves, as well as the growth, development, and present status of the discipline. African American Studies validates that African American Studies is a unique and significant discipline—one that intersects almost every academic discipline and cultural construct—and confirms that the discipline has a noteworthy history and a challenging future. The various bodies of knowledge, the philosophical framework, methodological procedures, and theoretical underpinnings of the discipline have never been clearly delineated from an African-centered perspective.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Tables – List of Figures– Preface – A Note to the Reader – Acknowledgments – Introduction to African American Studies – African American History – African American Literature – African American Literature – African American Sociology – African American Psychology – African American Religion – African American Philosophy – African American Political Science – African American Economics – African American Music – African American Dance – African American Art – African American Film – African American Education – African American Science and Technology – African American Sports – Index.

Nathaniel Norment, Jr. is the Director of the Writing Lab and Professor in the Department of English at Morehouse College. He is Professor Emeritus in the Department of English at The City College of New York and the Department of African American Studies at Temple University. He is a former Chair and Graduate Director of African American Studies at Temple University where he taught undergraduate and graduate courses in African American Studies and African American literature and culture. His publications include The African American Studies Reader (2001, 2007); Readings in African American Language: Aspects, Features and Perspectives (Vol. I 2003, Vol. II 2005); and The Addison Gayle, Jr. Reader (2009). Norment earned his B.S. at Ball State University, his M.S. at Saint Francis University, and his Ph.D. at Fordham University.

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