Pasha-Zaidi | Toward a Positive Psychology of Islam and Muslims | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 15, 416 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology

Pasha-Zaidi Toward a Positive Psychology of Islam and Muslims

Spirituality, struggle, and social justice

E-Book, Englisch, Band 15, 416 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology

ISBN: 978-3-030-72606-5
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

This book integrates research in positive psychology, Islamic psychology, and Muslim wellbeing in one volume, providing a view into the international experiential and spiritual lives of a religious group that represents over 24% of the world’s population. It incorporates Western psychological paradigms, such as the theories of Jung, Freud, Maslow, and Seligman with Islamic ways of knowing, while highlighting the struggles and successes of minoritized Muslim groups, including the LGBTQ community, Muslims with autism, Afghan Shiite refugees, and the Uyghur community in China.
It fills a unique position at the crossroad of multiple social science disciplines, including the psychology of religion, cultural psychology, and positive psychology. By focusing on the ways in which spirituality, struggle, and social justice can lead to purpose, hope, and a meaningful life, the book contributes to scholarship within the second wave of positive psychology (PP 2.0) that aims to illustrate a balance between positive and negative aspects of human experience. While geared towards students, researchers, and academic scholars of psychology, culture, and religious studies, particularly Muslim studies, this book is also useful for general audiences who are interested in learning about the diversity of Islam and Muslims through a research-based social science approach.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction to the Psychology of Islam and Muslims: A PP 2.0 JIHAD.- Part I - Designing and Doing Research.- Chapter 2: Spiritual Assessment: Building Positive Resources for the Distressed Souls.- Chapter 3: Research with American Muslim Communities.- Chapter 4: Thoughts on the GCC National Research Context: Challenges to Developing a Local Psychology.- Part II - Connecting Secular and Islamic Perspectives.- Chapter 5: Islamic Psychology and Wellbeing: Bridging Western and Eastern Worldviews.- Chapter 6: Ways of Knowing and Being: Theoretical Sufism of Ibn ‘Arabi & C. G. Jung’s Psychology.- Chapter 7: The Contribution of Psychoanalysis to a Positive Islamic Psychology.- Part III - From Being to Wellbeing: Approaches to Health and Healing.- Chapter 8: Islamically-Informed Principles of Psychotherapy with Muslim American Clients.- Chapter 9: Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World: An Existential Focus of Islamic Psychology.- Chapter 10: The Heart of Autism: Building A Positive Islamic Model of Cognitive Disability.- Part IV - Social Justice and Community Building.- Chapter 11: Socially Engaged Islam: Applying Social Psychological Principles to Social Justice, Faith-Based Activism and Extreme Altruism in Muslim Societies.- Chapter 12: Decolonizing Muslim Same-Sex Relations: Reframing Queerness as Gender Flexibility to Build Positive Relationships in Muslim Communities.- Chapter 13: Afghan Hazara Asylum Seekers in Athens: Positive Affirmation through Service and Protest.- Chapter 14: The Struggle of Chosen Identity Amongst Uyghurs While Living Under the Chinese State.- Part IV - Islamic Feminism, Gender and Sexuality.- Chapter 15: Working towards a Positive Islamic Identity for Muslim American Women.- Chapter 16: Sexually Diverse Muslim Women Converts: Where Do They Stand?.- Chapter 17: Muslim Media Psychology and its Effects on Society: The Role of Pakistani TV Serials in Promoting Women’s Rights.

Nausheen Pasha-Zaidi
, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Houston Community College and teaches social science courses at the University of Houston-Downtown, USA. She has worked as an international educator for almost 20 years focusing on language development and cultural studies with an emphasis on Muslim populations. Her articles have appeared in a number of professional journals including the
Journal of International Women’s Studies, Ethnicities
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
. She is the author of
The Colour of Mehndi,
a novel that explores acculturation, family values and mental illness within the Pakistani-American community and the lead editor of
Mirror on the Veil: A Collection of Personal Narratives on Hijab and Veiling.
She also co-edited the book volume:
Positive Psychology in the Middle East/North Africa
with Dr. Louise Lambert. Dr. Pasha has presented at several international conferences on topics related to English language learning, religiocultural diversity and Islamic feminism.

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