Reinhold | Switching to a Mac For Dummies | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 384 Seiten, E-Book

Reinhold Switching to a Mac For Dummies

E-Book, Englisch, 384 Seiten, E-Book

ISBN: 978-0-470-18974-0
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Thinking of making the switch from your PC to a Mac?Congratulations! You're in for a great, virus-free ride. AndSwitching to Mac For Dummies makes it smoother than you everimagined. From buying the Mac that's right for you totransferring your files to breaking your old Windows habits andlearning to do things the (much easier) Mac way, it makes the wholeprocess practically effortless.
Whether you've been using Windows XP, Vista, or evenLinux, you'll find simple, straightforward ways to make yourtransition go smoothly. That will leave you plenty of time to getfamiliar with Mac's prodigious and dynamic OS X capabilities.You'll also connect with iLife, Mac's amazingintegrated software suite that lets you turn your computer into apowerful media center--not just for listening and watching,but for creating music, video, and much more. Discover how to:
* Decide whether the switch to Mac is right for you
* Choose the Mac that will change your life
* Keep and reuse elements of your old setup
* Go online with your Mac
* Connect to your home network--even that old PC
* Go media crazy with iTunes, iPhoto and more
* Take advantage of Mac's business capabilities
Complete with handy cheat sheet of common Mac short cuts andcommands as well as a glossary of Mac world lingo, Switching toMac For Dummies ensures that your switch will be thesmartest thing you ever do.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Informed Switching Starts Here.
Chapter 1: Why Switch? Demystifying the Mac Mantra.
Chapter 2: Meet the Mac Family.
Chapter 3: Deciding What to Buy.
Part II: Making the Switch.
Chapter 4: The Big Day: Setting Up Your Mac.
Chapter 5: Mac OS X for Windows Users.
Chapter 6: Moving Files from Your PC to the Mac.
Chapter 7: Switching Applications.
Part III: Connecting Hither and Yon.
Chapter 8: Getting Your Mac Online.
Chapter 9: Networking the Mac Way.
Chapter 10: Staying Secure in a Connected World.
Part IV: More Software, More Choices.
Chapter 11: The Sweet iLife Suite.
Chapter 12: Enjoying Other OS X Goodies.
Chapter 13: Oops, It's a PC: Running Windows on YourMac.
Part V: Specialty Switching Scenarios.
Chapter 14: Switching with the Whole Family in Mind.
Chapter 15: Switching Your Business to Macs.
Chapter 16: Converting from OS 9 and Other OperatingSystems.
Chapter 17: Desktop to Dashcode: OS X Advanced.
Part VI: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 18: Ten Terrific Troubleshooting Tips.
Chapter 19: Ten Cool Mac Tricks.
Chapter 20: Ten Creative Uses for Your Old PC.
Appendix: Mac Speak versus Windows Speak: A TranslationGlossary.

Arnold Reinhold has over three decades experience in the software industry. His first Apple product was a Mac 512. He has coauthored numerous books, including The Internet For Dummies Quick Reference, 8th Edition.

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