Llamas / Belk | The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption | Buch | 978-1-138-38568-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 438 Seiten, Format (B × H): 244 mm x 184 mm, Gewicht: 786 g

Reihe: Routledge International Handbooks

Llamas / Belk

The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption

Buch, Englisch, 438 Seiten, Format (B × H): 244 mm x 184 mm, Gewicht: 786 g

Reihe: Routledge International Handbooks

ISBN: 978-1-138-38568-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

The first generation that has grown up in a digital worldis now in our university classrooms. They, their teachers and their parents have been fundamentally affected by the digitization of text, images, sound, objects and signals. They interact socially, play games, shop, read, write, work, listen to music, collaborate, produce and co-produce, search and browse very differently than in the pre-digital age.
Adopting emerging technologies easily, spending a large proportion of time online and multitasking are signs of the increasingly digital nature of our everyday lives. Yet consumer research is just beginning to emerge on how this affects basic human and consumer behaviours such as attention, learning, communications, relationships, entertainment and knowledge.
The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption offers an introduction to the perspectives needed to rethink consumer behaviour in a digital age that we are coming to take for granted and which therefore often escapes careful research and reflective critical appraisal.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: What’s Digital? 1. Living in a Digital Age 2. Digitizing Physical Objects in the Home 3. The Digital Consumer 4. The Posthuman Consumer Part II: Representing the Self and Others 5. Blogs 6. Fashion Blogging 7. From Free Form to Templates: The Evolution of Self-Presentation in Cyberia Part III: Researching the Digital Consumer 8. The Mobile Phone and its Truncated Txt: An Essential Lifestyle Accessory 9. Netnography and the Digital Consumer: The Quest for Cultural Insights 10. The Rise of the Customer Database: From Commercial Surveillance to Customer Production 11. Researching Children in a Digital Age: Theoretical Perspectives and Observations from the Field 12. New Forms of Digital Marketing Research Part IV: Communicating, Interacting and Sharing 13. How Non-Western Consumers Negotiate Competing Ideologies of Sharing through the Consumption of Digital Technology 14. Virtually 'Secret' Lives in 'Hidden' Communities 15. Crowdsourcing 16. Interactive Online Audiences 17. Dating on the Internet Part V: Seeking Information and Shopping 18. Medicine 2.0 and Beyond: From Information Seeking to Knowledge Creation in Virtual Health Communities 19. Stock Trading in the Digital Age: Speed, Agency and the Entrepreneurial Consumer 20. Digital Virtual Consumption as Transformative Space 21. Consumer Decision Making in Online and Offline Environments Part VI: Playing, Praying, Entertaining and Educating 22. Value Co-Creation in Virtual Environments 23. "I don't really know where the Money does, do You?": Online Gambling and the Naive Screenager 24. Viral Propagation of Consumer- or Marketer-Generated Messages 25. Digital Fandom: Mediation, Remediation and Demediation of Fan Practices 26. Online Games: Consuming Experiencing and Interacting in Virtual Worlds 27. The Brick Testament: Religiosity among the Adult Fans of Lego Part VII: Issues of Concern in Society and Culture 28. Surveilling Consumers: The Social Consequences of Data Processing on Amazon.com 29. Online Privacy: Concepts, Issues and Research Avenues for Digital Consumption 30. Self-Disclosure 31. Consumer Activism 2.0: Tools for Social Change 32. Jack of all Trades, Master of.Some?: Multitasking in Digital Consumers 33. Gender Roles and Gender Identification in Relation to Media and Consumption 34. Online Consumer Movements 35. The Digital Consumption of Death: Reflections on Virtual Mourning Practices on Social Network Sites 36. Consumer (Dis)Trust Online 37. Afterword: Consuming the Digital

Russell W. Belk is Kraft Foods Canada Chair in Marketing at theSchulich School of Business, York University, Canada. He is past President of the International Association of Marketing and Development and is a Fellow, past President and Film Festival co-founderof the Association for Consumer Research. He also co-initiated the Consumer Behavior Odyssey and the Consumer Culture Theory Conference. He has received the Paul D. Converse Award and the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Consumer Research Award for Long-Term Contribution to Consumer Research. His research involves the meanings of possessions, collecting, gift-giving, materialism, sharing and global consumer culture.
Rosa Llamas is Associate Professor of Marketing at the School of Business, University of León, Spain. Her research interests include the meaning of luxury, materialism, transformative consumer research and global consumer culture. Her work is often cultural, visual, qualitative and interpretive and has been conducted in varied cultural settings.

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