SCN Education B.V. | Webvertising | Buch | 978-3-322-86795-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 261 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 475 g

Reihe: XHOTT Guide

SCN Education B.V.


The Ultimate Internet Advertising Guide

Buch, Englisch, 261 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 475 g

Reihe: XHOTT Guide

ISBN: 978-3-322-86795-7
Verlag: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag

'There is no doubt', dr. Kevin Nunley wrote, 'the Internet really is the biggest gold rush of our lifetime. It is unlikely you or I will get another chance as big as this one to earn huge profits anytime in the next 100 years. Someday people will look back and judge us as one of two groups: those who didn't recognize the Internet revolution and missed the greatest chance of our age, and those who smartly made a place for themselves in the new business model that will dominate the future. It is time to get on board. ' Ing. Adrian Mulder Content Editor Adrian Mulder is an Internet journalist who writes for major business computing magazines. He combines a technical background with a vast experience in the computer and business trade magazine industry The Ultimate Internet Advertising Guide Acknowledgements Many people and professionals have contributed directly or indirectly to this book. To name them all would be practically impossible, as there are many. Nevertheless the editors would like to mention a few of those who have made the production of this book possible. Executive Editor for SCN Education BV: Robert Pieter Schotema Publishing Manager: drs. Marieke Kok Marketing Coordinator: Martijn Robert Broersma Content Editor: ing. Adrian Mulder Editorial Support Dennis Gaasbeek, Rob Guijt, Richard van Winssen Interior Design: Paulien van Hemmen, Bach. Also, we would especially like to thank dr. Roland van Stigt for laying a solid foundation for the Hon Guide series to grow on.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1: An Introduction to Online Advertising.- Why Internet Advertising?.- Internet Advertising.- It’s an Ad, Ad World.- Webvertising in an Accidental Industry.- Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising on the Web.- BJ Webvertising Marketing Guide.- 2: Online vs Traditional Marketing.- Channel One Banner Advertising Report.- Executive Summary: The State of One to One Online.- Web-based Sales: Defining the Cognitive Buyer.- Interactive Relationship Marketing.- 3: Optimizing an Online Campaign.- How Internet Advertising Works.- It Pays To Advertise. Effects of Business-to-Business Advertising on Decision-Makers: Results of Recent Research.- The Seven Steps to Successful Direct Marketing.- Exploding the WEB CPM Myth.- What Advertising Works?.- Increasing Advertising Effectiveness on the Web.- Justifying the Web for Your Business.- Collection of Marketing Articles.- 4: Ways to Measure.- Counting “Hits” Not Best Measure Of Web Success.- The Dirty Truth About Click Throughs.- On-Line Advertising Campaign Measurement: How Cached Impressions and Varying Ad Serving Technologies Affect Reporting and Performance.- Banner advertising more effective than tv or radio in luring web shoppers, according to Andersen Consulting survey.- 5: Tips.- 9 Ways to Write Sure-Selling Ads.- 10 Tips to More Effective Banners.- 6: Webvertising In-Depth.- Designing Catchy, Effective Banner Ads.- The Bigger Picture — Free Vs. Paid Advertising.- Technical White Paper: Advertising on the Web.- Generate and Tracking Response to Promotional E-mail.- Why E-Mail Lists Have Come of Age.

The Publishing department of SCN Education was founded in 1998 and has built a solid reputation with the production of the HOTT Guide series. In their research activities for the HOTT Guide series they have established a broad network of IT-specialists (leading companies, researchers, etc) who have contributed to the books.

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