Wehle | Clarinet Fundamentals 2 | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Deutsch, 136 Seiten

Wehle Clarinet Fundamentals 2

Systematic Fingering Course

E-Book, Deutsch, 136 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-7957-8687-8
Verlag: Schott
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

With 'Clarinet Fundamentals', Reiner Wehle presents a three-part basic work for studying the clarinet. Volume 2 is a comprehensive fingering method which takes the characteristics of the clarinet-specific fingering technique into account. The successful mastery of the fingering technique and the training of every possible fingering combination are a prerequisite for dexterity and virtuoso playing. Therefore, the volume contains a large number of exercises covering all fingering problems in great detail for the Boehm and Oehler system.
Reiner Wehle frequently teaches at master classes, is a sought-after juror at renowned competitions and has been professor at the Music Academy of Lübeck since 1993.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface - General tips - Systematic fingering course - Loosening-up exercises (Boehm System) - Loosening-up exercises (Oehler System) - Fingering e/b' - Fingering f/c'' - Fingering f#/c#' - Fingering g#/d#'' - Fingering bb/f''' (Oehler System) - Fingering b/f#'' (Boehm System) - Fingerng c#'/g#'' - Fingering eb'/bb'' - Fingering f' (Oehler System) - Fingering f#' (Boehm System) - Fingering ab' - Fingering a' - Fingering bb' - Fingering c''' (Oehler System) - High register - Low c, c#, d, d# (Bass clarinet, Basset horn/Basset clarinet)

Preface - General tips - Systematic fingering course - Loosening-up exercises (Boehm System) - Loosening-up exercises (Oehler System) - Fingering e/b' - Fingering f/c'' - Fingering f#/c#' - Fingering g#/d#'' - Fingering bb/f''' (Oehler System) - Fingering b/f#'' (Boehm System) - Fingerng c#'/g#'' - Fingering eb'/bb'' - Fingering f' (Oehler System) - Fingering f#' (Boehm System) - Fingering ab' - Fingering a' - Fingering bb' - Fingering c''' (Oehler System) - High register - Low c, c#, d, d# (Bass clarinet, Basset horn/Basset clarinet)

Reiner Wehle, born in Kiel, Germany in 1954, studied the clarinet with Hans Deinzer in Hanover and Guy Deplus in Paris. He has been awarded numerous internatio nal prizes, for example at competitions in Prague, Colmar, Martigny, Toulon and at the ARD Competition in Munich. In 1979 he was winner of the First Prize at the "Deutscher Musikwettbewerb" in Bonn. He has held engagements in various prestigious orchestras including the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra (with Sergio Celibidache) and the North German Radio Symphony Orchestra at Hanover. He is a member of the "Lucerne Festival Orchestra", playing under the direction of Claudio Abbado.
As a soloist, he has performed with many orchestras in a host of different countries (e.g. the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, the Deutsches Symphonieorchester Berlin, the Hanover Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of Copenhagen, amongst others). He is an active chamber musician and has played worldwide with the Trio di Clarone, the Bläserensemble Sabine Meyer, the Ensemble Kontraste and the Trio Integral. He has made several CD recordings on the EMI Classics, Thorofon, ambitus and Novalis labels. He has twice received the highly acclaimed "Echo Prize" for the CD of the year (1999 and 2000).
Since 1992, he has held a professorship at the "Musikhochschule Lübeck" together with his wife, Sabine Meyer. As well as giving a large number of masterclasses in different countries (e.g. in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, China, Bulgaria, and Israel), he has been a jury member at numerous renowned music competitions.

Reiner Wehle, born in Kiel, Germany in 1954, studied the clarinet with Hans Deinzer in Hanover and Guy Deplus in Paris. He has been awarded numerous internatio nal prizes, for example at competitions in Prague, Colmar, Martigny, Toulon and at the ARD Competition in Munich. In 1979 he was winner of the First Prize at the "Deutscher Musikwettbewerb" in Bonn. He has held engagements in various prestigious orchestras including the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra (with Sergio Celibidache) and the North German Radio Symphony Orchestra at Hanover. He is a member of the "Lucerne Festival Orchestra", playing under the direction of Claudio Abbado.
As a soloist, he has performed with many orchestras in a host of different countries (e.g. the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, the Deutsches Symphonieorchester Berlin, the Hanover Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of Copenhagen, amongst others). He is an active chamber musician and has played worldwide with the Trio di Clarone, the Bläserensemble Sabine Meyer, the Ensemble Kontraste and the Trio Integral. He has made several CD recordings on the EMI Classics, Thorofon, ambitus and Novalis labels. He has twice received the highly acclaimed "Echo Prize" for the CD of the year (1999 and 2000).
Since 1992, he has held a professorship at the "Musikhochschule Lübeck" together with his wife, Sabine Meyer. As well as giving a large number of masterclasses in different countries (e.g. in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, China, Bulgaria, and Israel), he has been a jury member at numerous renowned music competitions.

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