Winston / Cahill | How Consumers Pick a Hotel | Buch | 978-0-7890-0184-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 174 Seiten, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 214 mm, Gewicht: 291 g

Winston / Cahill

How Consumers Pick a Hotel

Strategic Segmentation and Target Marketing

Buch, Englisch, 174 Seiten, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 214 mm, Gewicht: 291 g

ISBN: 978-0-7890-0184-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Inc

Venture through the pages of How Consumers Pick a Hotel to learn the steps of selecting a target and using consumer behavior applications to segment the market to reach your target. Much as a consumer goes through the process of selecting a satisfying hotel, you can choose to use the information provided to make your hospitality career relaxing and satisfying. When you finish this fantastic reading journey, you’ll be prepared to offer services that meet the public’s demands, and you’ll possess the prerequisite knowledge and skills for developing your own strategic approach to a target market. As the many methods of segmentation are discussed in detail, you will also learn effective strategies for communicating with multiple segments. Ideal as a supplementary text for marketing and hospitality marketing courses, How Consumers Pick a Hotel provides a concise overview of consumer behavior and intertwines marketing theory with sound ways in which to implement the theory. This will both orient you and give you a solid base for understanding the principles in question. You will quickly grasp the various methods of segmentation, and the book’s “real-life” segmentation schemes will teach you how to apply them in day-to-day business.As the many methods of segmentation are discussed in detail, you will learn effective strategies for communicating with multiple segments. In the end, you will have acquired the prerequisite knowledge and skills for developing your own strategic approach to a target market. How Consumers Pick a Hotel is suitable both as a reference guide for practicing marketing managers and hospitality professionals who specialize in marketing and as a companion text for graduates and undergraduates who need to know the ABCs of target marketing. You’ll turn to it again and again for guidance and practical, easy suggestions!
Winston / Cahill How Consumers Pick a Hotel jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Preface - Part I. Getting Ready - Chapter 1. “How Do You Pick a Hotel?”: A Brief Look at Consumer Behavior - Chapter 2. Strategic Planning and Implications - Part II: Segmentation Strategies - Chapter 3. Physical Attribute Segmentation - Chapter 4. Behavioral Attribute Segmentation - Chapter 5. Industrial Segmentation - Part III: Translating Segmentation in Marketing Strategy - Chapter 6. What Now? - Chapter 7. Perceptual Mapping - Chapter 8. Marketing Communications - Chapter 9. Finally: Which Segmentation Technique? - Appendix: Case Applications of Segmentation - Introduction to the Cases - Case 1: VALspeak and an Organization’s Culture - Case 2: Typing Focus Groups for Product/Service Design - Case 3: A Proprietary Segmentation Scheme - What Do the Cases Tell Us? - References - Index

William Winston, Dennis J Cahill

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