Yoshida / Gilbert / Foriel | Handbook of Isotopologue Biogeochemistry [With Access Code] | Buch | 978-981-13-3724-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 1190 Seiten, Buch mit Online-Zugang, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Yoshida / Gilbert / Foriel

Handbook of Isotopologue Biogeochemistry [With Access Code]

Buch, Englisch, 1190 Seiten, Buch mit Online-Zugang, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-981-13-3724-6
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This handbook looks into the latest scientific achievements in the observation, technical development, theory, and application of isotopologues. Isotopes have been used to trace material cycles in the solar system, planets, atmosphere, oceans, terrestrial environment, biosphere, and also the interior of living organisms. Isotopic research has developed from the determination of the bulk content of a single isotope ratio to multi-isotope, mass independent fractionation (MIF) of oxygen and sulfur isotopes, doubly isotope-substituted species, and site-specific isotopic signatures at natural isotopic abundance levels using several novel analytical techniques. The study of isotopologues has an increasing number of applications in many scientific fields ranging from earth and planetary sciences, environmental studies including climate change to life sciences relevant to many areas of interest for human activities such as agriculture, food authentication, pharmacology, and health care diagnosis. This handbook is structured so that is appropriate for both graduate students and professionals in diverse scientific and engineering communities devoted to related fields.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Theory, Nomenclature, Concepts (Rudy Marcus, Shinko Nanbu, Matthew Johnson, Naohiro Yoshida).- Isotopologue Technology (John Eiler, Caltech.; Gerald Remaud, UN.; Shuhei Ono, MIT; Joachim Mohn).- Climate Change (Graham Farquhar).- Atmospheric Processes (Mark Thiemens, UCSD; Yuichiro Ueno, TT.; Julien Foriel, TT.; Becky Alexander).- Biological Processes (Richard Robins, UN.; Alexis Gilbert, TT;
Mayuko Nakagawa).- Pollution, Forensics (authentification), Medical, Food & Beverage (Martin Elsener, Helmholtz; Daniel Hunkeler, UNeuchatel. Michèle Lees, Keita Yamada).- Planetary biomolecules ().

Prof. Yoshida received the Doctor of Science degree in chemistry from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1984. He was with the Mitsubishi–Kagaku Institute of Life Sciences, Toyama University and with Nagoya University, and has been a full professor in charge of two environmental departments of Tokyo Institute of Technology since 1998, and is also a principal investigator at the Earth–Life Science Institute. He is now a vice director of the Inter-Departmental Organization for Environment and Energy, a core faculty of the leading graduate school selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a vice president of the Geochemical Society of Japan, and president of the International Symposium on Isotopomers.

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