Bally | Holography in Medicine and Biology | Buch | 978-3-662-15811-1 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 18, 272 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 416 g

Reihe: Springer Series in Optical Sciences


Holography in Medicine and Biology

Proceedings of the International Workshop, Münster, Fed. Rep. of Germany, March 14¿15, 1979

Buch, Englisch, Band 18, 272 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 416 g

Reihe: Springer Series in Optical Sciences

ISBN: 978-3-662-15811-1
Verlag: Springer

The International Workshop on Holography in Medicine and Biology was held in MUnster, Federal Republic of Germany, on March 14th and 15th, 1979, at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology of the Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat within the frame of the Symposium 79 of the Sonderforschungsbereich 88 "Teratology and Rehabilitation of Patients with Multiple Handicaps'' of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. In fact, this workshop was not the first meeting dealing exclusively with biomedical applications of holography and related techniques. The very first symposium in this field was organized by Prof. P. Greguss and took place in New York in 1973. A second one was held in MUnster in 1976 with the objec­ tive to improve the communication among the at that time rather isolatedly working groups in this research domain. The great response to that meeting gave encouragement to the organization of another one in MUnster, this time on a more extended international base. Thus, this workshop attracted 85 scientists from 13 countries, i.e. Austria, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Fed. Rep. of Germany, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, USA, Yugoslavia.
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Weitere Infos & Material

I. Introductory Survey.- Holography and Its Applications.- II. Holography in Orthopedics.- Holography in Orthopedics.- Elastomechanical Properties of Trabecular Bone from the Human Vertebral Body.- Holographic Studies of Wear in Implant Materials and Devices.- Quantitative Evaluation of Holographic Deformation Investigations in Experimental Orthopedics.- Holographic Investigation of Mechanical Characteristics of the Complex Leg-Foot in Conditions of Lesion and Reconstruction.- III. Moiré Topography.- The Development and the Present Status of Moiré Topography.- Video-Electronic Generation of Real Time Moiré Topograms.- Problems of Image Evaluation in Orthopedics Using Moiré Figures.- IV. Holography in Biology.- Autocorrelation of Diatoms as a Function of Depth of Focus.- A Simple Setup for Using Holographic Interferometry in Studies on Seeds.- V. Holography in Radiology.- Holography in Radiology.- Flashing Tomosynthesis.- Holographic Methods of 3-D Representation from a Number of Plane Images for Medical X-Ray Diagnostics.- Three Dimensional Holographic Synthesis (T.H.I.S.) of X-Ray Pictures.- Tomogram - Reconstruction by Holographic Methods.- Sequential Coherent Optical Reconstruction from Projections Using a Roach Filter.- Optical Reconstructions from Projections via Deconvolution.- VI. Holography in Ophthalmology.- Application of Holography in Ophthalmology.- VII. Holography in Urology.- Interferometric Investigations of the Rabbit Urinary Bladder. I. Holographic Registration of Bladder Deformations in vitro.- Interferometric Investigations of the Rabbit Urinary Bladder. II. First Results in the Detection of Tumors and Lesions.- VIII. Holography in Dentistry.- Holography in Dentistry.- Holographic Evaluation of the Dimensional Stability of Elastic ImpressionSilicones Used in Dentistry.- Measurements of Deformations of Teeth and Mandibles due to Occlusal Forces.- Strain Distribution in the Facial Skeleton Arising from Orthodontic Appliance Activity.- IX. Holography in Otology.- Holography in Otology.- Otological Investigations in Living Man Using Holographic Interferometry.- On Holographic-Interferometric Investigations of the Membrana Tympani (Living Man).- Use of ESPI to Measure the Vibration of the Human Eardrum in vivo and Other Biological Movements.- Vibration Analysis of the Human Skull and Auditory Ossicles by Holographic Interferometry.- X. Acoustical Holography.- State of the Art and Future of Acoustical Holography in Medicine and Biology.- XI. Special Holographic Techniques.- Sandwich Holography and Its Applicability to Biomedical Investigations.- Measurement of Vibration Waveforms Using Temporally Modulated Holography.- Compensation for Rigid Body Motions in Holographic Interferometry.- Automatic Iconics Measuring System Applied to Biostereometrics.- Index of Contributors.

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