Brannon Donoghue | Donoghue, C: Localising Hollywood | Buch | 978-1-84457-687-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 314 g

Reihe: International Screen Industries

Brannon Donoghue

Donoghue, C: Localising Hollywood

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 314 g

Reihe: International Screen Industries

ISBN: 978-1-84457-687-6
Verlag: Bloomsbury Academic

Hollywood has a complex relationship with local markets around the world. This critical yet accessible overview of Hollywood’s local presence investigates the dynamic between the studios’ film entertainment divisions and individual media markets – exploring how their position, partnerships and practices function in an era characterised by globalisation, digitisation and convergence.

Engaging with key scholarly and industrial debates, the book incorporates first-hand accounts gathered from extensive fieldwork and research. It addresses a wide range of international operations, from creative partnerships and production strategies to promotional and distribution processes. With a particular focus on Europe and Latin America, the text interrogates earlier notions of a ‘global Hollywood’ and globalisation, where media conglomerates were viewed as economically rational or all-powerful organisations. By exploring how decision-making processes and creative negotiations between Hollywood media executives and local forces operate, it reveals the complex picture of filmmaking and circulation in today’s supposedly globalised and digitised societies.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction: Hollywood's Global Footprint.- 1. History of International Operations (1900s-1970s).- 2. Conglomerate Hollywood and International Operations (1980s-2016).- 3. Local Studio Operations: Country Managers and the Local-lanugage Production Process.- 4. International Media Hubs: Studio Production Cultures and Local Infrastructure.- 5. The Motion Picture Association and its Member Studios: Policy, Piracy, ad Promotion.- 6. Local Blockbusters and Media Franchising: Convergence and Cross-Media.- Conclusion: Local Places, Global Spaces.- Bibliography.

Courtney Brannon Donoghue is Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies at Oakland University, USA. She has published a number of articles and book chapters on Brazilian film and cinema, contemporary Spanish cinema, and local language productions.

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