Brown / Inhorn | The Anthropology of Infectious Disease | Buch | 978-90-5699-555-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1110 g

Reihe: Theory and Practice in Medical Anthropology

Brown / Inhorn

The Anthropology of Infectious Disease

International Health Perspectives

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1110 g

Reihe: Theory and Practice in Medical Anthropology

ISBN: 978-90-5699-555-3
Verlag: CRC Press

Anthropological contributions to the study of infectious disease and to the study of actual infectious disease eradication programmes have rarely been collected in one volume. In the era of AIDS and the global resurgance of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria, there is widespread interest and concern about the cultural, ecological and political factors that are directly related to the increased prevalence of infectious disease. In this book, the authors have assembled the growing scholarship in one volume. Chapters explore the coevolution of genes and cultural traits; the cultural construction of 'disease' and how these models influence health-seeking behaviour; cultural adaptive strategies to infectious disease problems; the ways in which ethnography sheds light on epidemiological patterns of infectious disease; the practical and ethical dilemmas that anthropologists face by participating in infectious disease programmes; and the political ecology of infectious disease.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1: Anthropologies; 1: Introduction; 2: The Anthropology of Infectious Disease; 2: Histories; 3: Dangerous Dirt: Paleopathology of Valley Fever and the Biopolitics of Race; 4: A New Look at an Old Disease: Smallpox and Biotechnology; 5: Culture and the Global Resurgence of Malaria; 3: Methods; 6: The Household Ecology of Disease Transmission: Dengue Fever in the Dominican Republic; 7: Infertility, Infection, and latrogenesis in Egypt: The Anthropological Epidemiology of Blocked Tubes; 8: Key Informants, Pile Sorts, or Surveys? Comparing Behavioral Research Methods for the Study of Acute Respiratory Infections in West Bengal; 4: Ethnographies; 9: “Digestive Worms”: Ethnomedical Approaches to Intestinal Parasitism in Southern Ethiopia; 10: Illness Semantics and International Health: The Weak Lungs-Tuberculosis Complex in the Philippines; 11: The Sitala Syndrome: The Cultural Context of Measles Mortality in Pakistan; 12: Knowing Pneumonia: Mothers, Doctors, and Sick Children in Pakistan; 5: Political Economies; 13: “Prostitution,” “Risk,” and “Responsibility”: Paradigms of AIDS Prevention and Women's Identities in Thika, Kenya; 14: Ethnography, Social Analysis, and the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted HIV Infection Among Poor Women in Haiti; 15: “I'm Not Dog, No!”: Cries of Resistance Against Cholera Control Campaigns

Peter J. Brown, Marcia C. Inhorn

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