Buzaneva / Scharff | Frontiers of Multifunctional Nanosystems | Buch | 978-1-4020-0560-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 57, 485 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 237 mm, Gewicht: 1930 g

Reihe: NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Buzaneva / Scharff

Frontiers of Multifunctional Nanosystems

Buch, Englisch, Band 57, 485 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 237 mm, Gewicht: 1930 g

Reihe: NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

ISBN: 978-1-4020-0560-2
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

General routes to the development of innovative, multi functional nanosystems are described by experts in the field. The systems described are based on fullerenes, nanotubes, metals (Au, Ag, Pt, etc.) and semiconductors (Si, CdS, CdTe, metal oxides), nanocrystals and polymer / biopolymer assembly systems. The book also discusses the realization and characterization of the fundamental properties of nanosystems, defined by nano-size effects, as well as the application of such systems in electronics, optics, magnetoelectronics, spintronics, biomedicine, pharmaceutical biocomplexes, and biosensors.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Multiscale computer simulations in physics, chemistry and biology: the example of silica.- Application of the IMOMM (Integrated Molecular Orbital Molecular Mechanics) method for biopolymers.- Molecular orbital simulation of semiconductor and metal cluster.- Modeling and interpretation of STM images of carbon nanosystems.- Carbon nanotubes under internal pressure.- Recognition templates for biomaterials with engineered bioreactivity.- Layer-by-layer method for immobilization of protein molecules on biochip surface.- Enzyme electrodes with enzyme immobilised by sol-gel technique.- Template-directed lattices of nanostructures: preparation and physical properties.- Templates for metal nanowire self-assembly.- Layer-by-layer assembly of nanotubes and nanofilms from nanoparticle and polymer blocks for electronic applications.- Non-thermal plasma synthesis of nanocarbons.- A novel network structure of organometallic clusters in gas phase.- Nanotechnology of DNA/nano-Si and DNA/Carbon nanotubes/nano-Si chips.- Fundamental properties and applications of fullerene and carbon nanotube systems.- Fundamental properties of DNA: some lessons from studies on the molecular basis of drug binding.- DNA modifications by novel antitumor platinum drugs.- Studies on protein electron carrier complexes: adrenodoxin reductase-adrenodoxin complex in steroid biosynthesis.- Interaction of nucleic acids and lipids from tumour cells with anticancer drugs: an SEIRA spectroscopy data.- Aggregation of fullerenes in pyridine/water solutions.- Infrared spectrum of fullerene C60 aggregates in water solution.- Electrical and magnetic properties of undoped fullerene polymers.- Direct transition in the porous nanosilicon measured by electroreflectance.- Scanning probe microscopy of biomacromolecules: nucleicacids, proteins and their complexes.- Application of atomic force microscopy in protein and DNA biochips development.- Peculiarities of Th. Terrestris spores surface ultrastructure investigated by AFM.- Relaxation of nanostructured molecular materials under the influence of solvent vapors.- Biospecific interactions on the optical transducer surface - the base of infection diagnostics.- Thin film biotermosensors.- Porous silicon as transducer for immune sensors: from theory to practices.- A porous silicon microcavity as an optical and electrical multiparametric chemical sensor.- Composites silicon-based photonic crystals as light emission and sensor elements.- Optical transmission of macroporous silicon.- Magnetoresistive sensors and memory.- The electron spin in nanoelectronics.- List of Participants.

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