Cooper | The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies | Buch | 978-1-137-29244-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 206 Seiten, Format (B × H): 142 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 2824 g

Reihe: New Approaches to Religion and Power


The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies

Models for the Twenty-First Century

Buch, Englisch, 206 Seiten, Format (B × H): 142 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 2824 g

Reihe: New Approaches to Religion and Power

ISBN: 978-1-137-29244-5
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

This book brings together prominent voices from the global North and South to present brief analyses of liberation theology's future. It includes leaders in the field along with the newest voices. Each of these pieces was presented in the American Academy of Religion in the first five years of the Liberation Theologies Consultation.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction; Thia Cooper 1. Resisting Imperial Peace: Theological Reflections; Dwight Hopkins 2. Context is What Hurts: Rethinking Contextual Theology in Light of Empire and Economics; Joerg Rieger 3.Theology, Spirit and the Imperial Economic System;Jung Mo Sung 4.The Hermeneutics of Bones: Liberation Theology for the Twenty-first Century – Mario Aguilar 5.A U.S. Theology of Letting Go; Rosemary Radford Ruether 6.Dialogic Mediations: Reflections on the Hopeful Future of U.S. Liberation Theology; Benjamin Valentin 7. American Indian Liberation: Paddling a Canoe Upstream; Tink Tinker 8.Uninterrogated Coloredness and its Kin; Emilie Townes 9.Rethinking Liberation: Toward a Canadian Latin@ Theology; Nestor Medina 10.Key Issues for Liberation Theology Today: Intercultural Gender Theology Controversial Dialogues on Gender and Theology between Women and Men, and Human Rights; Heike Walz 11.The Revolution in the Arab World. Liberation: The Promise and the Illusion. A Palestinian Christian Perspective; Mitri Raheb 12.Liberation Theology and Indigenous People; Wati Longchar 13.Embodied Theology: Indigenous Wisdom as Liberation; Sylvia Marcos 14.What does liberation theology mean in and for the twenty-first century?; Jenny Plane Te Paa 15.The Practice of Liberation Theology in the Twenty-First Century; Ivan Petrella 16.Popular Messianism, Complicity and the Continued Relevance of Liberation Theology; Jeremy Ian Kirk 17.Toward a Twenty-first Century Black Liberation Ethic: A Marxist Reclamation of Ontological Blackness; Charlene Sinclair 18.A Christian Liberationist Response to the Crisis at the United States – Mexico Border; William A. Walker, II 19.Doing Liberation Theology as a Resistive Performance; Malik Sales 20.Conclusion; Thia Cooper Further Suggested Readings

Dwight N. Hopkins, University of Chicago, USA
Joerg Rieger, Southen Methodist University, USA
Jung Mo Sung, Methodist University of São Paulo, Brazil
Mario Ignacio Aguilar, University of St Andrews, UK
Ivan Petrella, University of Miami, USA
Rosemary Radford Ruether, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Benjamin Valentin, Andover-Newton Theological Seminary, USA
Tink Tinker, Iliff School of Theology, USA
Ada Maria Isasi Diaz, Drew University, USA
Emilie Townes, Yale Divinity School, USA
Nestor Medina, Regent University, USA
Heike Walz, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal/Bethel
Wati Longchar
Sylvia Marcos, Center for Psycho-ethnological Research in Cuernavaca, Mexico
Jeremy Kirk, Union Theological Seminary
Erica Kierulf, Union Presbyterian Seminary
Charlene Sinclair, Poverty Initiative at Union Theological Seminary
William A. Walker, III, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Malik Sales, Graduate Theological Union

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