Cromwell | Private Practice in Occupational Therapy | Buch | 978-0-86656-411-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Gewicht: 340 g


Private Practice in Occupational Therapy

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Gewicht: 340 g

ISBN: 978-0-86656-411-3
Verlag: Routledge

Valuable insights into the potentials, risks, and excitement of establishing a private practice in occupational therapy. This groundbreaking volume provides general and specific ideas to help guide the OT professional who is considering independent practice.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Practice Watch: Things to Think About: Risk Taking in Occupational Therapy - Tidal Surge and Private Practice: The Historic Eighties - Community Occupational Therapy Associates: A Model of Private Practice for Community Occupational Therapy - A New Arena for Private Practice in Occupational Therapy: Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injury - One Person’s Experience in Private Practice: Start to Finish - Developing Pediatric Programming in a Private Occupational Therapy Practice - The Airplane: Another Solution to Transportation in a Rural Private Practice - Occupational Therapists as Publishers and Trainers in the Field of Aging - Marketing Occupational Therapy Services - Computers and the Private Practitioner in Occupational Therapy - Wellness: Its Myths, Realities, and Potential for Occupational Therapy

Florence S. Cromwell

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