Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications | Buch | 978-1-79989-805-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Hardback

Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Hardback

ISBN: 978-1-79989-805-4
Verlag: IGI Global

This book not only enhances understanding of diverse issues associated with Open Access (OA), but as a compendious volume also provides educators a textbook that can be used to cover foundational knowledge in areas of OA and scholarly communications in general.

In an information and knowledge society, access to information and knowledge is a basic human right making equitable and fair access to information and knowledge paramount. Open access plays a huge role in addressing inequities as well as broad-based and inclusive scientific progresses. On the surface, it appears the number of publications discussing OA issues from various angles is on the rise. However, what is missing is a comprehensive assessment of the extent of OA implementation and a discussion of how to proceed in integrating open access issues from various possible players and stakeholders' points of view. In addition, deliberate OA strategies that extend the traditional role of library and information environments and organization through impact-driven and outcome-based results have not been well-articulated.

This book fills the needs of clear articulation of open access concepts and issues and demystifies the state-of-the-art knowledge domain in the areas of OA and scholarly communications from diverse perspectives as well as implications for the information and knowledge society. The book is timely for researchers, publishers, libraries, higher education institutions, and visionaries and leaders curtailed by the traditional shackles of the past scholarly communication, looking for ways to make progress and move forward, in a more inclusive and democratized way. The book elaborates on and reinforces the claims of educators that OA and Open Educational Resources (OER) will help them offer higher quality curriculum and instruction regardless of socioeconomic status or wherever they are in the world.
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