How World Events Are Changing Education: Politics, Education, Social, Technology | Buch | 978-90-04-50644-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 21, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 431 g

Reihe: Critical Issues in the Future

How World Events Are Changing Education: Politics, Education, Social, Technology

Buch, Englisch, Band 21, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 431 g

Reihe: Critical Issues in the Future

ISBN: 978-90-04-50644-2
Verlag: Brill

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Education was established to create employees for 19th and 20th century manufacturing models. The 21st century requires a rethink. Change is happening fast, with jobs not guaranteed as robots are taking over routines. We must prepare students for uncertainty & higher-level employment – helping them think and communicate instead of retain and recall facts for passing exams. Some curricula is either irrelevant for today or gained at the press of a button. Listening and literate talk (narratives) for collaboratively solving real problems should be the focus, not facts forgotten after tests. The book explores this important debate.

Contributors are: Daryle Abrahams, Nigel Adams, Peter Chatterton, Stefano Cobello, Joanna Ebner, Pierre Frath, Irene Glendinning, Susan James, Riccarda Matteucci, Gloria McGregor, Elena Milli, Elizabeth Negus, Juan Eduardo Romero, Rosemary Sage and Emma Webster.
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Weitere Infos & Material


Juan Eduardo Romero

Preface: The World Is Shifting and Education Must Evolve

Rosemary Sage

List of Figures and Tables

Notes on Contributors

Introduction: How the World Is Changing Education

Rosemary Sage

PART 1: The Politics of Education

Introduction to Part 1

Rosemary Sage and Riccarda Matteucci

1 Global Trends

Rosemary Sage

2 The Present and Future World: What Education Needs to Consider

Rosemary Sage

3 Is School an Outdated System? Alternatives to Traditional Classrooms

Rosemary Sage

4 Preparing for Work

Nigel Adams

5 A New Model of Workplace Learning

Daryle Abrahams

PART 2: Education Policies & Practices

Introduction to Part 2

Rosemary Sage and Riccarda Matteucci

6 Creativity for Creativity

Emma Webster

7 Conversational Intelligence: The Basis of Creativity: Learning from Others

Elizabeth Negus

8 University-School Partnerships: Scholars in Residence within a School

Joanna Ebner

9 Imaginative Alternatives to the ‘Macabre Constant’

Pierre Frath

10 Third Generation Doctorates: The Practitioner Model

Rosemary Sage

PART 3: Social Issues of Justice

Introduction to Part 3

Rosemary Sage and Riccarda Matteucci

11 Academic Integrity: Research from World Studies

Irene Glendinning

12 Prioritising Values to Prepare for Life

Susan James

13 Sociological Aspects of Educational Robotics

Stefano Cobello and Elena Milli

14 Additional Learning Needs: Hearing Development

Gloria McGregor

PART 4: Technology in Education

Introduction to Part 4

Rosemary Sage and Riccarda Matteucci

15 The Rise and Rise of Digital Learning in Higher Education

Peter Chatterton

16 Technology and COVID-19: Remote Learning and Flipped Classes to Maintain Live Education

Riccarda Matteucci

17 The Maker Faire: Opportunities for Innovators

Riccarda Matteucci

18 E-Learning But Not Always E-Quality

Rosemary Sage

19 A Blueprint for Learning: How World Events Are Changing Education

Daryle Abrahams, Nigel Adams, Peter Chatterton, Stefano Cobello, Joanna Ebner, Pierre Frath, Susan James, Riccarda Matteucci, Elena Milli, Irene Glendinning, Gloria McGregor, Elizabeth Negus, Juan
Romero, Rosemary Sage and Emma Webster

20 Epilogue: A Review and Reflection

Rosemary Sage and Riccarda Matteucci

Rosemary Sage, Ph.D. (1992), University of Cambridge and Leicester, is a qualified Speech & Language Pathologist, Psychologist & Teacher (English, Maths, Sciences), working in national/international health, education & social services, leading many research projects on language, education and employment with awards for this work.

Riccarda Matteucci, Dott. at L’Aquila University, Italy (1973), Master in Science of Education at Queens College, NYC, USA (2001–2004), is an experienced senior school teacher and university lecturer in Italy, USA, UK and Africa. As an expert in communication and language-learning problems, she is presently involved in bullying issues in education, technology support in class and H. Gardner’s 9 intelligences theory. She was a Senior Research Fellow at Cambridge, where she was invited to compile the history of Italian language use in Britain.

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