Dreher / Jungman / Sakamoto | Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology | Buch | 978-0-367-46997-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 450 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 1800 g

Dreher / Jungman / Sakamoto

Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology

Buch, Englisch, 450 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 1800 g

ISBN: 978-0-367-46997-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

With chapters from experienced and internationally renowned contributors holding positions in research, industry, and clinical practice, this is the fifth edition of what has become the standard reference for cosmetic scientists and dermatologists seeking the latest innovations and technology for the formulation, design, testing, use, and production of cosmetic products for the skin.
*Offers in-depth analysis of specific topics in cosmetic science and research
*Presents the latest in international research and its translation to practice
*Gives an indispensable guide to a hotly competitive area for research and practice
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Professional and Professional Reference

Weitere Infos & Material

Biophysical characteristics of skin: Relation to skin of color, age, gender, and site, 2.) Skin Moisturization, 3.) Skin pH and buffering capacity, 4.) Skin ceramides, 5.) Sensitive skin: Sensory, clinical, and physiological factors, 6.) New developments in understanding of sensitive skin, 7.) The role of neuromediators in skin conditions, 8.) Contact Dermatitis: Principles, mechanisms, and allergies related to cosmetics, 9.) Race as a possible endogenous factor in Irritant Contact Dermatitis: Comparing the irritant response among White, Black, and Asian individuals, 10.) Skin aging: Physical and physiological changes, 11.) Skin aging: Impact of smoking and air pollution, 12.) Skin barrier and transepidermal water loss (TEWL): A critical overview, 13.) Skin lipid organization by electron paramagnetic resonance, 14.) Determination of skin color in relation to ethnicity, gender, age, site, and environmental factors: An overview, 15.) Ultraviolet imaging of skin and cosmetics, 16.) Tribology of skin, 17.) Formation and performance of cosmetic films in cosmetics, 18.) Sensitive skin testing, 19.) Neurophysiological responses and cosmetics, 20.) Noninvasive clinical assessment of skin inflammation, 21.)Validated alternative methods available for human Health and Safety assessment of cosmetic products and their ingredients in the European Union, 22.) Pre-clinical human skin models for cosmetic efficacy testing, 23.) Skin cleansing: New trends, 24.) Removal methods and evaluation of makeup cosmetics, 25.) Hydrating substances, 26.) Skin care occlusive ingredients: Predicting occlusion’s effects using partition coefficients, 27.) Antioxidant technology in skin care, 28.) Sunscreens and sun protection, 29.) Pollution-induced oxidative stress in skin and related potential antioxidant protection, 30.) New perspectives in the control of the skin aging process, 31.) Epigenetics and cosmetics, 32.) Skin lightening agents, 33.) Baby care products, 34.) Skin care products: Artificial tanning, 35.) Skin restoration products after cosmetic procedures, 36.) Skin surface pH and its implication in skin health, 37.) Formulating Cosmetic Products, 38.) Silicones in cosmetics, 39.) Plants, plant products, and indigenous practices in cosmetics and skin care, 40.) Aquatic environmental impact of cosmetics, 41.) Regulatory trends in Cosmetic Dermatology: Europe, 42.) Regulatory trends in Cosmetic Dermatology: Singapore, 43.) Standardization: ISO and cosmetics, Index

Frank Dreher, PhD, is Founder and President of Topalix LLC, San Francisco, California, USA. Elsa Jungman, PhD, is Founder and CEO of ELSI Skin Health, Inc., San Francisco, California, USA. Kazutami Sakamoto, PhD, is Guest Professor of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. He is also editor of Cosmetic Science and Technology: Theoretical Principles and Applications. Howard I. Maibach, MD, is Professor of Dermatology at the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, California, USA. He is also the editor of Cosmeceuticals and Active Cosmetics 3E, Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology 2E, Contact Urticaria Syndrome, Textbook of Cosmetic Dermatology 5E, Dermatotoxicology 8E, and Topical Nail Products and Ungual Drug Delivery, among many others.

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