Klaassen / Burton | Atlas of Extreme Facial  Cancer | Buch | 978-3-030-88333-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 466 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 285 mm, Gewicht: 1564 g

Klaassen / Burton

Atlas of Extreme Facial Cancer

Challenges and Solutions

Buch, Englisch, 466 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 285 mm, Gewicht: 1564 g

ISBN: 978-3-030-88333-1
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This book shares an expert experience in managing difficult facial skin cancer and presents rare cases from the authors's own practice.
The content follows an anatomical approach based on the complex and often staged reconstruction of extreme facial skin cancer. Written in a clear and logical format, it is intended as a guideline atlas and surgical handbook, defining the principles of CLEAR (Complete Local Excision of the cancer + Aesthetic Reconstruction) and DRAPE (Delayed Reconstruction After Pathological Examination) for reconstructing the face. The book incorporates a wealth of multi-disciplinary knowledge from surgeons, anaesthetists, research scientists, speech / swallowing therapists, pathologists, radiologists and prosthetic rehabilitation specialists.
The surgical techniques presented here require a high degree of expertise. Accordingly, the book will be of interest to professionals in the fields of Plastic and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, as well as Dermatology.
Klaassen / Burton Atlas of Extreme Facial Cancer jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

1. The Skin Cancer Epidemic2. Cancer Stem Cells in Head and Neck 3. Head and Neck Pathology: Practical Points to Ponder4. Applied Facial Anatomy5. The Team Approach in Cancer Care6. The Burden of Facial Deformity7. Pedicled Versus Free Flaps 8. The Novel Expanded Forehead Flap 9. Keystone Flap Concepts10. Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Surgical Enigma11. Scalp and Forehead Cancer12. Extreme Cancer of the Periorbital Region13. Nose and Ear Cancer14. Cheek and Perioral Cancer15. Palliative Surgery 16. Metastatic Cancer to the Parotid Region17. Modern Maxillofacial Rehabilitation18. Perioperative and Anaesthetic Care in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery19. Assessment of Function Post-Cancer20. Modern Morphing Technology in Facial Reconstruction

Ian D Burton qualified as a General Surgeon in 1985 with FRACS, before working in the UK and Sultanate of Oman for four years.He has worked in Gisborne New Zealand for 30 years, the last 10 being in Private Practice. He was on the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Association of General Surgeons for 14 years.

Michael F Klaassen qualified as a plastic surgeon in 1990 with FRACS, before working in the UK, Europe and Australia for three years. After a decade in the Waikato and half a decade in Sydney, he returned to Auckland in 2008 and opened Parnell Surgeon in April 2012. He now has four visiting clinics in New Zealand. Dr Klaassen for many years coached trainees for their final fellowship exams and participated in Interplast Australia & New Zealand missions and teaching programmes in the Pacific Islands.

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