Norman | Life and Suicide Following Brain Injury | Buch | 978-1-138-57615-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 162 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 138 mm, Gewicht: 214 g

Reihe: After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories


Life and Suicide Following Brain Injury

A Personal and Professional Account

Buch, Englisch, 162 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 138 mm, Gewicht: 214 g

Reihe: After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories

ISBN: 978-1-138-57615-5
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

Life and Suicide Following Brain Injury tells the story of Tom, a 43 year-old man who acquired a brain injury from a road traffic accident at the age of 22. Tom survived but went on to take his own life 20 years later. As a vulnerable adult with mental health issues and long-term difficulties with substance misuse, this book tells Tom's story from his early childhood through to his death.

In telling Tom's story, the author- a researcher in the brain injury field and Tom's sister- identifies the multiple suicide risk factors as well as the lack of understanding and inadequate service provision for people with complex needs following TBI. His story serves as a harrowing example of what can go wrong when timely intervention and support is not forthcoming, identifying a multitude of risk factors and possible points of intervention to improve care in the future.

This book provides insight to professionals and academics across health and social care in the risks of suicide associated with TBI. It also provides support for those who have experienced the grief of losing a survivor to suicide, or those struggling to support a survivor who is suicidal.
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General and Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material


Chapter 1: An introduction to traumatic brain injury and suicidality

Chapter 2: Growing up with a brain injury

Chapter 3: Reflections on a life-changing accident

Chapter 4: Post-Injury Rehabilitation and Discharge

Chapter 5: The long-term impact of brain Injury

Chapter 6: A personal account of Suicide following brain injury

Chapter 7: the impact of suicide following traumatic brain injury

Chapter 8: Final reflection on suicidality after brain injury


Alyson Norman, PhD, is a researcher in clinical psychology at the University of Plymouth's School of Psychology. Alyson has over 10 years experience of research in brain injuries and has personal experience as a family survivor of brain injury.

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