Nwaubani | The United States and Decolonization in West Africa, 1950-1960 | Buch | 978-1-58046-076-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 9, 360 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 237 mm, Gewicht: 508 g

Reihe: Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora


The United States and Decolonization in West Africa, 1950-1960

Buch, Englisch, Band 9, 360 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 237 mm, Gewicht: 508 g

Reihe: Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora

ISBN: 978-1-58046-076-7
Verlag: Boydell & Brewer

A history of America's tangled involvement in the transition of British and French West African territories to statehood.

As an investigation of America's response to the decolonization process in West Africa, The United States and Decolonization in West Africa, 1950-60 fills several important gaps. The history of America's involvement in Africa remains understudied. This book focuses on a neglected decade when the "wind of change" swept across Africa. Critical of the traditional "nationalist" interpretation of the decolonization process in Africa, the author begins his book by placing the transition of British and French West African territories to statehood with a neocolonialist framework. In doing so, he abandons the conventional definitions and usages of "independence" and "decolonization", and makes a compelling case that these are two related but different phenomena. Nwaubani argues that the United States was not a catalyst in the transition process in West Africa, but rather acted in a neocolonialist fashion itself. He also gives a nuanced appraisal of the Cold War, demonstrating that it was not as important as popularly believed in determining US behavior in Africa.
The primary focus of the book is on West Africa, with case studiesfocusing on the Ewe, Ghana [including the Volta dam project], and Guinea. But the broad issues discussed are framed in the larger context of sub-Saharan Africa, and against the backdrop of the larger debates about the nature of post-1945 United States diplomacy.

Ebere Nwaubani is a member of the History Department, University of Colorado at Boulder.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Decolonization in West Africa
The Archaeology of Policy
Truman's Dual Mandate
Minimalism as Policy
Ghana: Honeymoon and Estrangement
The Political Economy of the Volta Project
Guinea: The Weight of Residual Interests
Summing Up

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