Potts | Meat Culture | Buch | 978-90-04-32586-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 17, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 442 g

Reihe: Human-Animal Studies


Meat Culture

Buch, Englisch, Band 17, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 442 g

Reihe: Human-Animal Studies

ISBN: 978-90-04-32586-9
Verlag: Brill

The analysis of meat and its place in Western culture has been central to Human-Animal Studies as a field. It is even more urgent now as global meat and dairy production are projected to rise dramatically by 2050. While the term ‘carnism’ denotes the invisible belief system (or ideology) that naturalizes and normalizes meat consumption, in this volume we focus on ‘meat culture’, which refers to all the tangible and practical forms through which carnist ideology is expressed and lived. Featuring new work from leading Australasian, European and North American scholars, Meat Culture, edited by Annie Potts, interrogates the representations and discourses, practices and behaviours, diets and tastes that generate shared beliefs about, perspectives on and experiences of meat in the 21st century.
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List of Contributors
1. What is Meat Culture?, Annie Potts
2. Derrida and The Sexual Politics of Meat, Carol J. Adams and Matthew Calarco
3. Rotten to the Bone: Discourses of Contamination and Purity in the European Horsemeat Scandal, Nik Taylor and Jordan McKenzie
4. Live Exports, Animal Advocacy, Race and ‘Animal Nationalism’, Jacqueline Dalziell and Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel
5. The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia in Burger King’s Hamburger Advertising, Vasile Stanescu
6. With Care for Cows and a Love for Milk: Affect and Performance in Swedish Dairy Industry Marketing Strategies, Tobias Linné and Helena Pedersen
7. “Peace and quiet and open air”: The Old Cow Project, Melissa Boyde
8. “Do You Know Where the Light Is?” Factory Farming and Industrial Slaughter in Michel Faber’s Under the Skin, Kirsty Dunn
9. Down on the Farm: Why do Artists Avoid ‘Farm’ Animals as Subject Matter?, Yvette Watt
10. The Provocative Elitism of ‘Personhood’ for Nonhuman Creatures in Animal Advocacy Parlance and Polemics, Karen Davis
11. “I Need Fish Fingers and Custard”: The Irruption and Suppression of Vegan Ethics in Doctor Who, Matthew Cole and Kate Stewart
12. Ambivalence and Resistance: Carnism and Diet in Multi-species Households, Erika Cudworth
13. Negotiating Social Relationships in the Transition to Vegan Eating Practices, Richard Twine
14. Critical Ecofeminism: Interrogating ‘Meat,’ ‘Species,’ and ‘Plant’, Greta Gaard

Annie Potts is associate professor and co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies, Canterbury University. She is the author of Chicken (Reaktion, 2012), and co-author of A New Zealand Book of Beasts (AUP, 2013) and Animals in Emergencies (CUP, 2014).

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