Reamer / Downing | Reamer, N: Investment: A History | Buch | 978-0-231-16952-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 865 g

Reihe: Columbia Business School Publishing

Reamer / Downing

Reamer, N: Investment: A History

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 865 g

Reihe: Columbia Business School Publishing

ISBN: 978-0-231-16952-3
Verlag: Columbia Univers. Press

Investing the commitment of resources to achieve a return affects individuals, families, companies, and nations, and has done so throughout history. But until sixteenth-century Amsterdam, investing was a privilege of the elite classes. The story behind the democratization of investing is bound up with some of history's most epic events. It is also a tale rich with lessons for professional and everyday investors who hope to make wiser choices in their own time.

This entertaining history doubles as a sophisticated account of the opportunities and challenges facing the modern investor. It follows the rise of funded retirement; the evolution of investment vehicles and techniques; investment misdeeds and regulatory reform; government economic policy gains; and the development of investment theory, which has led to index and exchange-traded funds that offer better access to competitive investment returns. The authors map these trends and profile the new finance elite who created and now prosper from the products available to common investors. By helping us understand this history and its legacy of risk, the authors hope to better educate readers about the individual and societal impact of investing, and ultimately level the playing field.
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Weitere Infos & Material

AcknowledgmentsIntroduction: The Investment Challenge1. A Privilege of the Power Elite2. The Democratization of Investment3. Retirement and Its Funding4. New Clients and New Investments5. Fraud, Market Manipulation, and Insider Trading6. Progress in Managing Cyclical Crises7. The Emergence of Investment Theory8. More New Investment Forms9. Innovation Creates a New EliteConclusion: Investment in the Twenty-First CenturyNotesBibliographyIndex

Norton Reamer is the former chief investment officer and CEO of Putnam Investments. He founded and ran United Asset Management for twenty years. In 2003, he founded and led Asset Management Finance. Each firm was a leader in its investment approach and organizational structure. He now lives and works in Boston.

Jesse Downing is a graduate of Harvard College, where he studied economics and mathematics. He currently works at an investment management firm in Boston.

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