Shefner / Dahms / Jones | Social Justice and the University | Buch | 978-1-137-28937-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 356 Seiten, Format (B × H): 145 mm x 218 mm, Gewicht: 5661 g

Shefner / Dahms / Jones

Social Justice and the University

Globalization, Human Rights and the Future of Democracy

Buch, Englisch, 356 Seiten, Format (B × H): 145 mm x 218 mm, Gewicht: 5661 g

ISBN: 978-1-137-28937-7
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

Can universities continue to play a major role in advancing social justice today? This volume illuminates key aspects of social justice as a theoretical project and as a set of practical challenges. Authors address related issues from the perspectives of active practitioners in the context of or from close proximity to universities.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Globalization and the University - A Path to Social Justice; Robert E. Jones and Jon Shefner 2. From Domination to 'Buen Vivir': Latin America and Contested Globalization; Michael Handelsman 3. Researching, Knowing, and Promoting Social Justice for Indigenous Americans; Asafa Jalata 4. The Promise of International Law in Developing a Global Foundation for Social Justice; Robert Blitt 5. The Goal of Gender Transformation in American Universities: Toward Social Justice for Women in the Academy; Barbara J. Risman and Timothy Adkin 6. Climate Change, Intergenerational Justice and the University; John Nolt 7. Social Justice, the University and the Temptation of Mission Creep; David Reidy 8. Co-Constructing Democratic Knowledge for Social Justice: Lessons from an International Research Collaboration; John Gaventa and Felix Bivens 9. The Role of Law School Clinics and Universities Social Justice Work; Benjamin Barton 10. Social Justice Manifest: University-Community Outreach Research to Reduce Homelessness; David Patterson, Courtney Cronley, Stacia West, Jennifer West and Jennifer Lantz 11. University Social Engagement as Space for Resistance to the Marketization of Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study from the United Kingdom; Felix Bivens 12. Critical Engagement: Risk Reward and Methods in Teaching Social Justice; William V. Taylor, Ben Feldmeyer and Katie Morris 13. Approaching Human Rights as a Cognitive Style in the College Classroom; Benjamin Gregg 14. Teaching Spaces: A Critical Reflection on Using Spatial Exploration Exercises as Teaching Tools; Maria Stehle 15. A New Popular Movement for Social Justice in the United States and Beyond; Frances Fox Piven and Jon Shefner 16. Student Activism and the University: Resources, Challenges and Opportunities; Elizabeth A. East and Jayanni Webster 17. Teaching (for) Social Justice/Organizing for Social Justice and the University; Walter Davis 18. Real Utopias and the University: An Interview; Erik Olin Wright 19. Barriers and Conduits to Social Justice - Universities in the Twenty-First Century; Harry F. Dahms and Eric R. Lybeck

Timothy Adkins, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Benjamin Barton, University of Tennessee, USA

Felix Bivens, Empyrean Research, USA

Robert C. Blitt, University of Tennessee, USA

Courtney Cronley, University of Texas, USA

Walter Davis, Tennessee Health Care Campaign, USA

Elizabeth A. East, University of Tennessee, USA

Ben Feldmeyer, University of Cincinnati, USA

John Gaventa, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

Benjamin Gregg, University of Texas, USA

Michael Handelsman, University of Tennessee, USA

Jennifer Lantz, Chattanooga Regional Homeless Coalition, USA

Eric Royal Lybeck, University of Cambridge, UK

Katie Morris, Pellissippi State Community College, USA

John Nolt, University of Tennessee, USA

David A. Patterson, University of Tennessee, USA

Frances Fox Piven, City University of New York, USA

David Reidy, University of Tennessee, USA

Barbara Risman, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Maria Stehle, University of Tennessee, USA

William V. Taylor, University of Tennessee, USA

Jayanni Webster, Knoxville Chapter of Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, USA

Stacia West, University of Kansas, USA

Erik Olin Wright, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

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