Slapper / Kelly | The English Legal System | Buch | 978-0-415-63998-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 742 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 1424 g

Slapper / Kelly

The English Legal System


Buch, Englisch, 742 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 1424 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-63998-9
Verlag: CRC Press

Slapper and Kelly’s The English Legal System explains and critically assesses how our law is made and applied. Annually updated, this authoritative textbook clearly describes the legal rules of England and Wales and their collective influence as a sociocultural institution.
This latest edition of The English Legal System presents and analyses changes made to the legal system and digests recent legislation and case law. The Protection of Freedom Act 2012, the Defamation Bill, the Justice and Security Bill 2012, the Mental Health (Discrimination) Bill 2012, and the July 2012 vote on Parliamentary reform are all incorporated into the text, and this edition also considers changes to the Crown Prosecution Service, Mediation and Judicial Diversity. The cases Alvi v Secretary of State for the Home Department (judicial review), AXA General Insurance Limited v The Lord Advocate (Scotland) (devolution), R v J, S, M and R v KS (jury tampering), and Rolf v De Guerin (mediation) are all digested in the text.
The text also includes the latest government papers on antisocial behaviour, and criminal justice reform, the Practice Direction on citing authorities in court, and the Leveson Inquiry.
Key learning features include:

- a clear and logical structure with short, manageable, well-structured individual chapters;

- useful chapter summaries which act as a good check point for students;

- ‘food for thought’ sections help to deepen understanding of key issues in each chapter;

- sources for further reading and suggested websites at the end of each chapter to point students towards further learning pathways;

- an online skills network including how-to-do practical examples, tips, advice and interactive examples of English law in action.

Relied upon by generations of students, Slapper and Kelly’s The English Legal System is a permanent fixture in this ever evolving subject.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Law and Legal Study 2. Rule of Law and Human Rights 3. Sources of Law 4. The Civil Courts 5. The Civil Process 6. The Criminal Courts 7. The Criminal Process: (1) The Investigation of Crime 8. The Criminal Process: (2) The Prosecution 9. The Judiciary 10. Judicial Reasoning 11. The Jury 12. Arbitration, Tribunal Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution 13. Legal Services 14. The Funding of Legal Services 15. The European Context

Gary Slapper, LLB, LLM, PhD, PGCE(Law), is Global Professor at New York University and Director of New York University in London; Visiting Professor of Law at The Open University and at The Chinese University, Hong Kong. He also writes a legal column for The Times.
David Kelly, BA, BA (Law), PhD, was previously Principal Lecturer in Law at Staffordshire University.

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