Barrault-Stella / Weill | Creating Target Publics for Welfare Policies | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 17, 208 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning

Barrault-Stella / Weill Creating Target Publics for Welfare Policies

A Comparative and Multi-level Approach

E-Book, Englisch, Band 17, 208 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning

ISBN: 978-3-319-89596-3
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This volume analyzes welfare policies by looking at the making of their target publics. It examines how these populations are identified and constructed by policy making. The contributors apply the classic theoretical question about who gets what, when, and how, but also suggest the revisiting of policy-feedback analysis. Coverage includes empirical case studies in different geographical areas. It looks at Europe, the United States and also considers Mayotte, set in a post-colonial context. The chapters also examine different aspects of welfare, including the bureaucratic treatment of marginalized populations as well as the middle class.The authors draw on diverse conceptual approaches and investigative methodologies. They conduct participant observation in public or nonprofit organizations, explore administrative records, and interview actors at various stages of policymaking. This qualitative material is then combined with relevant quantitative data.Readers are guided through a multilevel approach of welfare policies, from their definition to their implementation. They gain insight into the targeting of publics, from the higher reaches of government to the most underprivileged groups of the social world. Overall, the book compares different national contexts and social policy fields. This approach unearths regularities, enabling the authors to reassess major contemporary transformations of the welfare State.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1. The Making of Target Publics for Welfare Policies. From Targeting Practices to Resistances of Governed People (Lorenzo Barrault-Stella and Pierre Edouard Weill).- Part 1: Legitimizing Categories in Public Debates.- Chapter 2. “Organize and Defend Yourself”. The Invention of Middle Class Before Fascism in Italy (Andrea Rapini).- Chapter 3. How Central is the Middle? Middle Class Discourses and Social Policies Design in Germany (Marlon Barbehön and Michael Haus).- Part 2: Sketching the Outlines of Target Groups.- Chapter 4. Frame, Funnel, Deter: The Values of Behavioral Targeting in the U.S. and in France (Elisa Chelle).- Chapter 5. Targeting by Numbers. The Uses of Statistics for Monitoring French Welfare Benefit Recipients (Vincent Dubois).- Chapter 6. The Paradoxical Place of Psychiatry in the Administration of Disability. Dealing with the Reframing of Autism from a Psychiatric to an Educative Issue in the Concrete Making of a Target Public (Céline Borelle).- Part 3: Adjusting the Targets in Daily Practices.- Chapter 7. Conforming Women Citizens in the Making. Targeting Migrants Through Gendered Immigrant Integration Policies in Helsinki and Paris (Linda Haaparjärvi).- Chapter 8. From Groups to Individuals? The Making of Target Publics in the French Administration of Low-Rent Housing (Marine Bourgeois).- Chapter 9. How to Identify and Select Citizens entitled to Social Housing in a Postcolonial Situation? Administrative Agents Dealing with Changing Bureaucratic Norms in a French overseas department (M’Laili Condro, Violaine Girard, Élise Palomares).- Chapter 10. Perspectives on Targeting and the Wekfare State Transformations. A few Proposals from Political Sociology (Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Pierre Edouard Weill).

Lorenzo Barrault-Stella is a research fellow in political sociology at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is member of the Center of Sociological and Political Research of Paris (CRESPPA). He is a specialist of educational policies. More broadly, he explores the contemporary transformations of the State and the relations between government and governed people. He has published numerous articles in international peer reviewed journals and several book chapters. His first personal book Gouverner par accomodements. Stratégies autour de la carte scolaire (Dalloz) was published in 2013. He is actually member of the editorial board of the international peer review Gouvernement et action publique (Presses de Sciences Po).

Pierre-Edouard Weill is an assistant professor in sociology from the University of Western Britanny and belongs to the LabLEX research unit. He is specialized on social policies and cultural practices. He has published numerous articles in international peer reviewed journals and several book chapters. Among his most recent publication is 
Sans toit ni loi? Genèse et conditions de mise en œuvre du Droit au logement opposable
, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017.

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